Momo1991: ~guesses she isn't part of the girl-gang and sighs deep cleansing breaths to indicate her resignation. Ok, done with that now - have fun peepgals...I WILL be melting you all symbolically in the microwave... FOR SCIENCE ;-p ~ Melt my lovelies...melt mwahahaha
Crewdroog: what are you talking about? I blamed you for the almost death of this necro'd thread ;) *offers Momo a
sugar-free haribo gummy bear as token of peace.
*skips backwards in small circles in thread*
Momo1991: You girls have been ignoring me...the peeps die ;-p
Crewdroog: Kill the peeps. I wanna see just how far we can push Sage before she snaps and goes all psycho on us.
*skips backwards in small circles in thread*
THAT should read "steps back in small circles of DREAD"....if you get my meaning, melting peep ;-p
As to Sage, she's had enough - let's NOT push her over the edge. You, on the other hand...mwahaha