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high rated
Edit: Giveaway closed.

I assume a big chunk of the userbase have taken up the opportunity to grab themselves a shiny new copy of Limbo via Gog Connect.
So, I thought a small giveaway for those who haven't (for one reason or another) might be a nice idea.
Up for grabs: three Limbo Gog keys, totally drm- and Steam free ;)

To participate, please peruse your copy of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and make a long post elaborating on your favorite passage (or simply state that you're in).
Quite obviously, scammers need not apply - as a small anti-scamming measure, please have a join date prior to Oct '16.

Giveaway will run for a maximum of 48 hrs (depending on interest), so you should still have a chance to grab the game at the discounted sale's price.
Winners will be chosen at random.

Happy Black Friday, everyone!
Post edited November 25, 2016 by WildHobgoblin
Not in (bought both Limbo and Inside as soon as I saw them here), but +1 for the giveaway.
Not in, but have a big +1 for the giveaway. It is good to see this little bit of altruism as it helps balance all the negativity of "Oh no, I'm not eligible for a free game" happening in other posts.

As a side note, when I got my first desk job and needed to have a strong password I used: Ahayweh1

Then as passwords needed to be updated every 30 days I just advanced the number; Ahayweh2,Ahayweh3 and so on. You bringing up Dante's Divine Comedy made me remember this as my password was an acronym of "Abandon hope all ye who enter here". It kind of speaks to how I felt about that job.
Not in
+1 for the giveaway
I read Divine Comedy every five years or so, last time around 2013. I wouldn’t say it was my favorite passage but at that time I found it interesting. Inferno, Canto III. Dante meets Pope Celestine V, who gave up the chair of Peter and made it possible for Boniface VIII (Dante’s enemy) to became a pope. It was very interesting in 2013 because at that time Pope Benedict XVI did the same thing and Francis became a Pope. I guess people who don’t like Francis have the same grudge against Benedict XVI as Dante had against Celestine V.

I’m in :)
Not in - but giving this a bump so more people will be able to grab a key and well +1
Not in, but really thanks for the giveaway.
Just want to thank you for making such a nice give away. +1

(But I'm not in, since I already have the game on Steam - and just on GOG as well.)
Not in, but good idea anyway since the game is good (wether it's on Steam or on GOG).
Not in, but +1

Also, I thought these were Steam keys so that people can reclaim the game through GOG Connect :P Your way sounds easier I guess xD
Not in but thanks for your generosity!
WildHobgoblin: (...) make a long post elaborating on your favorite passage (...)
I'd prefer to "post a long song elaborating on my favourite live concert": :P
Post edited November 23, 2016 by Vythonaut
Thanks for the BUMPs and kind words, everyone!
Ghorpm: I read Divine Comedy every five years or so, last time around 2013. I wouldn’t say it was my favorite passage but at that time I found it interesting. Inferno, Canto III. Dante meets Pope Celestine V, who gave up the chair of Peter and made it possible for Boniface VIII (Dante’s enemy) to became a pope.
I find this seriously impressive... I only ever read part of Inferno (because of an ARG I was playing at the time), and I found it to be a rather rough read. So, I admire your dedication :)

jonridan: Not in, but +1
Also, I thought these were Steam keys so that people can reclaim the game through GOG Connect :P Your way sounds easier I guess xD
Well, I thought that it might be of more interest to people that actually don't use Steam, so it would have defeated the purpose ;)
Heyyy! I'm reading Dante's Inferno in my English class this year! Most people that I've been talking too kind of hate it because of the obtuse language, but I'm kind of used to it, and I am really enjoying this book. Currently on canto 23. As for a favorite passage.... hmm, I'm not sure. A lot of it is good. How about this section from canto 3? {see attached photo}
While this is speaking in a religious context, I think it could be applied as a basic moral principle. A lot of times, being neutral on a subject can do more harm than picking a side. Hmmm, almost seems applicable to a certain mentality on voting in the USA this year haha.
Anyways, as for the giveaway, I'm not sure that I want to be in, I'm kind of slow to join these days, so I'll count myself not in.
I swore steam gave Limbo away for a while.
Ghorpm: I read Divine Comedy every five years or so, last time around 2013. I wouldn’t say it was my favorite passage but at that time I found it interesting. Inferno, Canto III. Dante meets Pope Celestine V, who gave up the chair of Peter and made it possible for Boniface VIII (Dante’s enemy) to became a pope.
WildHobgoblin: I find this seriously impressive... I only ever read part of Inferno (because of an ARG I was playing at the time), and I found it to be a rather rough read. So, I admire your dedication :)
Try to get a book with a lot of footnotes and I really mean a lot of! This way it's easier to understand what's all about and while it's still not an easy book to read but manageable nonetheless.