§pectre: It's correct.
A lot of websites have switched over to bloated, poorly formatted designs that looks as if some idiot is playing follow the leader except the leader is someone who has gone on a basic course on how to make a website for phones for the mentally disadvantaged.
But that's not the only problem, there are tons of functions in use and wich are not really needed.
A good example are pages that do not show any text (right, text like letters and numbers...), if you block javascript for that site, or block cookies from that site (mirco$oft f.e.)
Even forms can be filled out without any javascript, but nearly no site makes use of usefull css technics, or maybe their php stuff (yes php sucks too).
I don't think, that it just lacks of knowledge, it also lacks of will, to create non-shitty, overbloated, dumb-ass sites full of barriers, 95% of the whole web is like that!
These websites are broken before they are online!
If you have multimedia streams or a webshop, okay maybe just use javascript, but for everything else you don't need it and you destroy the web!
Also you steal mooney from other people, it costs more time to load such shitty sites and therefor more power and therefor more money.
So in any way it's total stupid to create websites like that.
Example for a gog.com specific bullshit: there are google captchas when you want to request a refund.
I am not a bot, I am logged in and need to resolve fu**ing googles bullshit, to train their so called AI?