Kleetus: I almost ejaculated after reading that, BradMan.
You should be writing porno scripts and directing, I think you'd make a great director.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Tried to write some stories on *some* of my adventures before on a site with such material, but they went under censorship and me got banned. Whenever and wherever i weave a story made up of 100% truth and 0% lies, it always gets shafted from moderation (maybe fault was that the site was local) and probably, me banned right after. People generally are allergic to faithful storytelling without montage, tampering and alterations, especially those who hide the raw, the ugliness and make things more swallow-able for your average little human, who hasn't seen life's true face for shit.
As i said, i have nowhere to vent my anger and frustration from things, heck, even online everyone purges anything i try to speak of; not only i am deprived of justice, but of even being heard. You may have a friend to go out for beer and discuss something that upset you. I can't discuss with anyone this side (think of it something like: I have the right to remain silent or they will use everything i say against me) and even online, i get censored and banned.
Besides, i am no director. I am always the hapless person to whom everything happens. But thanks, you helped me get an idea. By you mentioning "scripts" and "directing", i thought of something good. But this i am keeping it for myself.
Tauto: Oh,and she's a good faker.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Moan COULD be faked, okay, my bad. The small "lake" of her crystal clear, see-through pussy juice though, can't be faked. Gal soaked me wet with her discharge (body squirming and down-there-throbbing aside), after my magic hands worked their wonders on her wonderful body.
Yep,write some books.