Posted September 26, 2016

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands

Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted September 26, 2016
DAMN! As the wise proverb goes: "One picture, one thousand words"!
Shit, how can i unsee that?
Shit, how can i unsee that?
Post edited September 26, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted September 29, 2016
I just went from a 19 inch monitor to a 26 inch. Now I have to start my whole fucking backlog over from scratch!

Strigon the Drow Necromancer
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted September 29, 2016
Shit, how can i unsee that?

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted September 29, 2016
No? It's the woman living together with our Prime Minister (they are not even married, due to ideology and atheism), in a recent, official visit to China... Even though the government attempted to cheat and rip-off a big chinese company (Cosco) investing in our place, through the agreement on paper being changed in secret, after being signed (your typical, left wing vermin, thief, cheat, swindler, then accusing bad capitalism even though he was at fault)... The chinese PM even gifted the stupid husband of hers with a BICYCLE (he probably understood he was a child-brained idiot). The rest of the team was dressed even worse (that's why the photo isn't showing more people), those leftist nutters apparently know nothing of etiquette, protocol or formal political visits to other countries. They ridicule both themselves and the people being forced to be ruled by them. Damn, man, i always knew that left wing was composed of trash, but this is simply too much!
My ex was a bit ugly, but totally not something like *that*, damn!
My ex was a bit ugly, but totally not something like *that*, damn!
Post edited September 29, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted September 29, 2016
If only their voters felt about the same way as you do... This stupid circus of a government full of clowns doesn't fall prematurely, or even worse it gets elected again and "other" goes out of business forever.
For the love of god, just notice the facial expression of their hosts, towards them! When they gaze upon them, it's either with angry looks or with smile full or irony, like in No7 and No8 mostly!
And they even tried to cheat chinese in a business deal (Business with Cosco was almost foiled, because after the documents being signed, they changed part of the agreement's context from governmental part)! Others' are crooks, i tell you!
For the love of god, just notice the facial expression of their hosts, towards them! When they gaze upon them, it's either with angry looks or with smile full or irony, like in No7 and No8 mostly!
And they even tried to cheat chinese in a business deal (Business with Cosco was almost foiled, because after the documents being signed, they changed part of the agreement's context from governmental part)! Others' are crooks, i tell you!
Post edited September 29, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Registered: Oct 2012
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2016
That yellow son of a bitch in the kitchen keeps screaming at the top of his tiny lungs as if he's trying to phone home to Australia without a fucking phone. I swear I'll strangle the little feather duster eventually if he keeps waking me up at sunrise.

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted September 29, 2016
I had to read this three times before I realized that you wren't talking about Bradley or Kleetus.

Registered: Oct 2012
From Germany

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Registered: Oct 2012
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2016

BTW, what's your budgie's name, you should call it Kleetus?
And the bird is appropriately named Shouty McScreamface. Plus, I think it's a girl. Take it back. Take the screaming little monster back to Australia.

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted September 29, 2016

Registered: Oct 2012
From Germany
Posted September 29, 2016
What, like this Gidget? Either way, I'll stick with Shouty McScreamface until she stops fucking shouting.
Yeah, I know. I learned that from reading up on budgies ever since I was 10. A month ago I found out they eat zucchini, except McScreamface punches the slices of zucchini until they fly off.
Yeah, I know. I learned that from reading up on budgies ever since I was 10. A month ago I found out they eat zucchini, except McScreamface punches the slices of zucchini until they fly off.