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Aliasalpha: weren't you saying just the other day that you hated it where you are now?
Yes... Work is starting to improve now that my coworkers realize just because i've been overseas doesnt mean im a special person hah
akwater: fuck fuck fuck a duck....... dod called my boss........ :( jdahkdjahssadjkhsadkjhsadlkjadslkadjslsadjkn SON OF A kadsh might be going back to the sandbox
Aliasalpha: weren't you saying just the other day that you hated it where you are now?
Rohan15: I think I am going to break up with my girl of 3 years. It's gonna suck, but it's for the best.
Aliasalpha: Hang on, 8 hours ago you mention bondange and now you're mentioning breaking up, are these incidents related?

Did she turn out to be more of a top than you were expecting?
No. I just think we need to be friends for now since I have been going through some stressful shit I wont go into and we rarely see each other now.
Well, I did it. She was in tears the moment I called and we are trying to keep our cool...Sigh....
I'm so fucked in Physics. I keep hearing "oh shit oh shit oh shit" in my head. I mostly hate the math about it.

God high school sucks.

Ok... So........... if a chick says they got their own personal shit to deal and cant be involved with anyone then you see them that very same night out with some dude obviously they can be involved with someone just not me.... and that's fine........ but why lie about it?

Saying oh i met someone else is an easier pill to swallow then having that person think I can't handle the truth.... wtf../sigh I miss the sandbox, there were less games and even as it might have been life or death situations people did not act this way.
akwater: aduhkhjsadkjhsakhjq

Ok... So........... if a chick says they got their own personal shit to deal and cant be involved with anyone then you see them that very same night out with some dude obviously they can be involved with someone just not me.... and that's fine........ but why lie about it?

Saying oh i met someone else is an easier pill to swallow then having that person think I can't handle the truth.... wtf../sigh I miss the sandbox, there were less games and even as it might have been life or death situations people did not act this way.
It means you're their backup because their guy is a dick. The crux is, the chick isn't any better in this situation.
Ugh, I do not want to caught in between 2 former friends whose loathe each other.
I gotta say, I'm feeling a bit salty today, what with Arsenal dropping the CC final to Birmingham. All credit to Birmingham, and good on them for the win. And, yes, there are bigger fish to fry (like March 8 at the Nou Camp). But it's getting wearisome watching this team show an utter lack of steel whenever Cesc is out. RvP and Nasri can lead, but there's only so much the two of them can do. What I wouldn't give for Wneger to sign an Essien type for the back line.
MGShogun: Ugh, I do not want to caught in between 2 former friends whose loathe each other.
Why is this your job? If they won't hang with your individually without trying to make you take their side and complaining about the other they aren't a good friend. Make a new one. Friends and relationships have many things in common, one being that few friendships or marriages last forever.
MGShogun: Ugh, I do not want to caught in between 2 former friends whose loathe each other.
orcishgamer: Why is this your job? If they won't hang with your individually without trying to make you take their side and complaining about the other they aren't a good friend. Make a new one. Friends and relationships have many things in common, one being that few friendships or marriages last forever.
I made it clear to them that I'm entirely separate entity so I hope that they will respect that.

If not, I'm more than happy to go on my own path and exploring other avenues.
orcishgamer: Why is this your job? If they won't hang with your individually without trying to make you take their side and complaining about the other they aren't a good friend. Make a new one. Friends and relationships have many things in common, one being that few friendships or marriages last forever.
MGShogun: I made it clear to them that I'm entirely separate entity so I hope that they will respect that.

If not, I'm more than happy to go on my own path and exploring other avenues.
Id say crack thier skulls together then they'd have a few things in common namely sore heads and an understandable irritation at you, might help the healing proccess......
orcishgamer: It means you're their backup because their guy is a dick. The crux is, the chick isn't any better in this situation.
playing second string sucks.. meh such is life....... I think I'll leave this town hit up Iraq and just have a good time on vacation with chicks who are not full of themselves.
orcishgamer: It means you're their backup because their guy is a dick. The crux is, the chick isn't any better in this situation.
akwater: playing second string sucks.. meh such is life....... I think I'll leave this town hit up Iraq and just have a good time on vacation with chicks who are not full of themselves.
I'm afraid I might be becoming too mature, I'm actually trying to resist the obvious joke about helping them fill up
Aliasalpha: I'm afraid I might be becoming too mature, I'm actually trying to resist the obvious joke about helping them fill up
LOL :) Women here aren't like women everywhere else in the world... Here they think they are the cat's meow yet elsewhere I find they are more reasonable.
Aliasalpha: I'm afraid I might be becoming too mature, I'm actually trying to resist the obvious joke about helping them fill up
akwater: LOL :) Women here aren't like women everywhere else in the world... Here they think they are the cat's meow yet elsewhere I find they are more reasonable.
What you probably need is to go somewhere where you're an exotic and romantic foreigner rather than just another bloke.

I'm beginning to think that my only chance is to go overseas and even then it'd have to be somewhere with poor lighting... Perhaps norway when they have that month of no sun
Post edited February 27, 2011 by Aliasalpha