Posted August 25, 2015

New User
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted September 01, 2015
I'm annoyed. About everything.
"This is why I won't do two shows a night anymore babe, I won't." -Betelguise
"This is why I won't do two shows a night anymore babe, I won't." -Betelguise

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted September 01, 2015
I feel So sick today that bad gut pain is Back SOB! I think it had to do with that Chicken I ate
If I have to eat Chicken One more time I swear I'll yell out
NooOooOooOooOooOooOoo...... Not Chicken I can't take it any more!
If I have to eat Chicken One more time I swear I'll yell out
NooOooOooOooOooOooOoo...... Not Chicken I can't take it any more!
Post edited September 01, 2015 by fr33kSh0w2012

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted September 01, 2015
I feel bad for you. Gut pain is no fun. Plus you live Australia, a place where you can't consume half of the life forms due to them being either poisonous or having razor sharp claws that want to rape your face. Hell, if I lived in Australia I'd end up weighing 85 pounds and dieting on nothing but space cookies and monster energy drinks.

New User
Registered: Jun 2014
From Sweden
Posted September 01, 2015
So I'm back at university doing a Masters in Economics. It was always my plan to do a Masters. However as a 35-year-old I really feel too old to do this, most of the students are giddy 25-year-olds with an optimism for the future I can't match, I'm far too cynical; 'Im gonna work for the UN or Bloomberg'....yeah right.
Unemployment has forced me to look at educating myself again, it was either this or vocational studies. However you are highly limited when it comes to doing vocational studies in Sweden, if not geographically then by the pre-requirements they have. It is unnecessarily difficult to switch career fields here, and it takes so long to do it.
My third option was to open my own business but I have too many ideas, nothing stands out to me as the best idea. On the positive side you are never too old to start your own business since you are your own boss.
My last option was to work as a salesman, there's an abundance of these jobs here and with my degrees in commerce and business I'm sure I could get one. However I've never considered sales to fit my personality. I'm not shy or anti-social by any means, but I've never been talkative and have never been much for small-talk.
So here I am at university, trying to muster up as much optimism and positivity as I can. As an older student I like straight-forward means of examination. However today too many of my teachers seek to make the courses as "engaging" as possible, whereas I just want to sit down with my textbooks and 'do my thing'. I feel like Raikkonen when he said 'Just leave me alone, I know what I'm doing!' after his engineering team kept talking to him during a race.
Unemployment has forced me to look at educating myself again, it was either this or vocational studies. However you are highly limited when it comes to doing vocational studies in Sweden, if not geographically then by the pre-requirements they have. It is unnecessarily difficult to switch career fields here, and it takes so long to do it.
My third option was to open my own business but I have too many ideas, nothing stands out to me as the best idea. On the positive side you are never too old to start your own business since you are your own boss.
My last option was to work as a salesman, there's an abundance of these jobs here and with my degrees in commerce and business I'm sure I could get one. However I've never considered sales to fit my personality. I'm not shy or anti-social by any means, but I've never been talkative and have never been much for small-talk.
So here I am at university, trying to muster up as much optimism and positivity as I can. As an older student I like straight-forward means of examination. However today too many of my teachers seek to make the courses as "engaging" as possible, whereas I just want to sit down with my textbooks and 'do my thing'. I feel like Raikkonen when he said 'Just leave me alone, I know what I'm doing!' after his engineering team kept talking to him during a race.

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Other
Posted September 01, 2015
My Achilles tendons and my back hurt.
I guess I'm just getting old...
I guess I'm just getting old...

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted September 03, 2015
The pits of hell are surely going to be a pleasant vacation compared to this world. Where do I sign Mr. Mourning Star? One way ticket to hell please, express.

New User
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted September 03, 2015
I am tired of this dude that hangs out with me. He will call me at like 2 in the morning to tell me he is coming over. When you try to have him come over he will either wait until like 1 to tell me isn't coming or he won't come at all. It is obnoxious because he was a really good friend in a hard time but now all he does is come over and stink my house up with his e-cig.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted September 03, 2015
Maybe your mattress isn't firm enough? The wrong mattress can mess up your back.
cthulhusreign: I am tired of this dude that hangs out with me. He will call me at like 2 in the morning to tell me he is coming over. When you try to have him come over he will either wait until like 1 to tell me isn't coming or he won't come at all. It is obnoxious because he was a really good friend in a hard time but now all he does is come over and stink my house up with his e-cig. Be honest with him. Just tell him to start smoking outside and not to come over so late. And if he doesn't like that and gets upset or ignores your requests, then you don't need such a friend in your life. But if you continue to stay quiet, then you will just start to hate him and become miserable. And you shouldn't let the friendship between you two die like that without trying to save it first.

Post edited September 03, 2015 by monkeydelarge

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Other

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted September 03, 2015
Not for us. We make it so for the others, though. So that it stays pleasant enough for us to keep complaining about futile bullshit, and to keep complaining about those who, in actual hell, try to escape it.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted September 03, 2015
You can still live in the Western world and have a really shitty life. The people you claim who live in "actual hell" aren't suffering more than those who are suffering in the Western world. Because most of the Western world is not some utopia where people don't have to suffer. That is a myth. Some places in the Western world can be just as much of a harsh environment as one of the countries that meet your definition of "actual hell". Most people in the Western world, simply have a different set of bullshit to deal with on a daily basis. I said "most", because there are some people in the Western world who have to deal with the same kind of stuff, people in third world coutnries have to deal with. And keep in mind, there are many horrible things in this world, that don't do not care, where you are located, like cancer and other horrible afflictions. And keep in mind, anyone anywhere can be an outcast in the eyes of society. Every society on this Earth, is intolerant to many groups of people. Maybe it is impossible tto live a really horrible life in Switzerland but most of the Western world is not like Switzerland.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by monkeydelarge