penumbren: Right now, I'm really resisting starting a big scene at my house. We live with a lot of people: My husband and I, my father-in-law, a close friend who's practically a brother, my sister-in-law, and a roommate.
The roommate who, after spending nearly an hour banging pans and silverware around in the kitchen, and running a huge amount of water (all of which is clearly audible even though it's across the house, because the walls are thin), decided it was her position to lecture me about not keeping the kitchen clean. Her attitude was clearly the self-righteous, put-upon, I-do-it-all-and-no-one-appreciates-me; mind you, this woman is home about two nights out of seven, we don't know where she stays, and she doesn't actually socialize with any of us, except for my father-in-law, although from what I've seen, that's mostly to ask him to do things for her - he drives her to work and picks her up, because she doesn't have a car.
Normally I can deal well enough, even though she has no concept of "indoor voice" or "not being f***ing loud," but this? Just about put me over the edge. We have an attached garage with a rat that we can't seem to get rid of, and I got lectured because "we have rats and no one keeps things clean" and "I try to keep the kitchen clean, but no one else seems to care."
My father-in-law witnessed it, but does not do confrontation well at all. Neither do I, although I did tell the woman that yes, everyone knows about the rat, and yes, we all try to keep things clean, and if things weren't being done to her satisfaction, it would be much more constructive to tell us what she wants to see done instead of bitching that she's the only one who does anything. Her answer? "I don't know who's doing it." Which apparently means that she's just going to bitch at everyone (except my father-in-law!) about how we don't do anything around the house. The one that she's barely ever home in. The one that we all clean. >.<
Not trying to be a smartarse,just to cheer you up.
Tell her and the Rat to pack and leave,and they can form a RATPACK....