In the silly question asked by customers category.
I work in a library.
"I'm looking for a book. It's blue." (And, yes, I really did get this question. Also, yes, I did find the book. :))
"How do you get to the second floor?" (Standing in front of the stairs and lift.)
"I have to do a paper on the changing fashions and trends of hairstyles in the 1900's. Will you write it for me?"
"The computer's not coming on." (It was on standby - all he had to do was move the mouse.)
In the address bar of IE, "Please take me to my bank account, thank you." (Loving the courtesy of please and thank you!)
"I remembered that my books were due, but I didn't phone, so will you please waive my fines." (On books late by three months and with over £50 of fines accumulated. Also, this happens a lot as if the intention is as good as the deed. "Oh, I thought about ending world hunger, so that crisis is over. *Phew* Where's my Nobel Prize?")
"Are you a bookshop?" (Really? You don't want to know the number of times people have asked that or wanted to buy a book - they're standing inside a big building with the word "Library" everywhere. Don't they know the meaning of the word?!)
"It's alright if I leave my three-year-old with you? I'm just going shopping for a few hours." (No, it's not alright to leave your children unattended in a library. We are not a nursery or a creche. We now call Child Services if we can't find a parent for young children as people also tend to drop their kids off at the library during any school holidays and then go to work. )
"Oh, really? I didn't know you had to do that." (When a toddler decided that the best thing for all the non-fiction books on the shelves would be to be on the floor so that she could make a huge pile and sit on them. The mother was Facebooking on the computer and ignoring what her daughter had done. When I stopped the child, she offered to help me put back the several hundred books, but immediately rescinded her offer when she discovered that you had to shelve them numerically according to category. Does she really think that we just memorize the position of every book?!)
"I need to know if there are any ghosts in the library."
"I don't need to join the library to take books and DVDs out, right?"
"Can I leave my luggage here?" (Also, actual supermarket shopping trollies, bin bags etc.)
"I want to pay my electricity bill." (No, we're not affiliated with any electricity, gas or water company. And, no, they didn't mean they wanted to use our computers to pay the bill online.)
Post edited July 10, 2014 by Getcomposted