Posted July 12, 2014

My job is gone. They informed me by email this afternoon.
TLDR: I am now unemployed. Yay! Bad working environment.
Aargh! Really bad job market out there - will I be able to find a new job?
I've been off sick for a few months with quite a severe problem.
During that time off, the powers that be decided that since we would be moving to a smaller building in a year's time, they would cut the staffing levels now.
4 years or so ago, the library system was put up for tender for a private company to come and run it for the council. Another library authority won the tender and one of the first things they did was a restructure in which they got rid of librarians because they cost too much and made the posts "Enquiry Officers". That way they could get away with paying people for exactly the same job 2/3 of the money.
A lot of our librarians left because they couldn't afford to stay.
They forced out all the good managers and that left only the ones that would push people off cliffs as long as their own jobs were safe.
They got rid of the Children's team which consisted of librarians that liked children and doing story and music times with them, and told the customer services team that from now on they would perform all the children's story and music times, with very inadequate training.
Needless to say, a lot of us balked at this.
They introduced an assessment programme in which you had to continually justify yourself and your job in order to be given a pay raise, despite the fact that inflation and cost of living rose dramatically.
(My assessment included "Give 5 examples of how you promoted the use of the library and got people to borrow more books. Cite dates and specific events." "Give 3 examples of people you induced to volunteer at the library. Cite specific examples and dates." S@!t like that going on for 30+ pages.
The staff that had carried over from when the libraries were run by the council rather than this private limited company that the other library authority created to run the service only had our pay protected for 5 years. After which it was expected that our pay would drop to new private limited company levels that were really quite a bit lower than ours.
Then, as I said they decided to "restructure" again, which meant they used a computer programme into which they fed variables such as issue statistics and visitor numbers so that this programme would tell them the "optimum" number of staff. Read that as redundancies for quite a few people as they fed in variables for the *smaller* building (that would only happen in a year's time and which isn't even built yet!).
Also everyone would have to be re-interviewed for their job with no guarantee that they would still have one at the end of the restructure.
Now, if as people anticipated that they would also "restructure" in another few years time, everyone would then be at limited company pay scales and terms and conditions.
This meant, if they left now they would get a higher wage redundancy package for a longer time. E.g. Someone working for over 10 years would get 6 months redundancy pay, whilst a limited company employee working for the same amount of time would only get 3.5 months pay.
So, a lot of the old-timers left whilst the going was good. The working atmosphere had also gone from one in which I woke up happy and eager to go to work into one in which I was almost ready to kill myself if it meant I never had to go into work again. Poisonous higher level managers and politics in which the lowly peons were used like medieval serfs and the managers got all the credit for our work. Another case in point, even if our assessments came out as "Exceeded all targets, and then some", only managers got bonuses.
But, I've been in this job for over ten years, and I was *very* good at my job. I have a huge problem with depression, which was at least partially triggered by the years of constant stress of working at the library.
I am both really scared that I won't be able to find another job (and my brain keeps on running down all the negative scenarios of what will happen if I don't) and quite elated that I won't have to work there again.
Part of me wants to just curl up in a ball and hide. But, I know if I do that, I'll never come out of this depression and I'll never be able to get on with my life... :( So confusing right now.
[Edit: typos.]
I'm guessing you went to uni; what did you study? Ten years of experience in the library field means that hopefully you can get a job in another system, or even another branch. I'm unclear on how the UK library systems work, of course.