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sauvignon1: God Fucking Dammit After months of peace between my two dogs, one of them attacks the other because she accidentally wondered into the attacker's crate. I tried to break it up and one of them sunk their teeth deep into the middle finger of my left hand. This happened five minutes ago. I'm worried because the teeth went deep, and their isn't that much flesh on a finger.
Twilight: umm... aren't you planning to go to the hospital? If it really hit an artery, you should hurry to get it fixed
It didn't hit an artery. There actually isn't that much blood. I'll take the bandage off in maybe an hour or so and look at the damage. If I can see bone, then hell yes I'm going to the hospital. However, now that I've calmed down I don't think the damage is too severe.
Post edited November 09, 2010 by sauvignon1
sauvignon1: It didn't hit an artery. There actually isn't that much blood. I'll take the bandage off in maybe an hour or so and look at the damage. If I can see bone, then hell yes I'm going to the hospital. However, now that I've calmed down I don't think the damage is too severe.
Regardless of that, the dog's got a taste for human flesh now... I'd keep the bedroom door locked from now on at night.
sauvignon1: It didn't hit an artery. There actually isn't that much blood. I'll take the bandage off in maybe an hour or so and look at the damage. If I can see bone, then hell yes I'm going to the hospital. However, now that I've calmed down I don't think the damage is too severe.
GoJays2025: Regardless of that, the dog's got a taste for human flesh now... I'd keep the bedroom door locked from now on at night.
She's a real sweet dog most of the time, so I don't think I have to worry :)
GoJays2025: Regardless of that, the dog's got a taste for human flesh now... I'd keep the bedroom door locked from now on at night.
Yes, it's a werewolf now
GoJays2025: Regardless of that, the dog's got a taste for human flesh now... I'd keep the bedroom door locked from now on at night.
Fenixp: Yes, it's a werewolf now
lol I hope not.
Fenixp: Yes, it's a werewolf now
sauvignon1: lol I hope not.
Well you've been bitten too so now the werewolf germs are running wild through your system because you've not gone to the hospital for the vaccine

Hang on, am I thinking of werewolf germs or tetanus? Either way its not good.

Was nice knowing you
Post edited November 09, 2010 by Aliasalpha
sauvignon1: lol I hope not.
Aliasalpha: Well you've been bitten too so now the werewolf germs are running wild through your system because you've not gone to the hospital for the vaccine

Hang on, am I thinking of werewolf germs or tetanus? Either way its not good.

Was nice knowing you
nice knowing you too. You're a great member of the community. See you on the other side.
Aliasalpha: Well you've been bitten too so now the werewolf germs are running wild through your system because you've not gone to the hospital for the vaccine

Hang on, am I thinking of werewolf germs or tetanus? Either way its not good.

Was nice knowing you
sauvignon1: nice knowing you too. You're a great member of the community. See you on the other side.
I'll make sure they play some werewolf themed song at your funeral. Shame you don't live in london, Werewolves Of London would be perfect
sauvignon1: nice knowing you too. You're a great member of the community. See you on the other side.
Aliasalpha: I'll make sure they play some werewolf themed song at your funeral. Shame you don't live in london, Werewolves Of London would be perfect
Just play Awaken by Yes and I'll be fine :)

Fable 3 just killed my "15 hours into the fucking game" save and since they decided that everyone can get by without such madly wasteful things as manual saves, I've lost all that progress
The next time you decide to install unauthorized, damaging software, in direct violation of the terms of use you signed, expect a member of the IT team to be retro-fitting your shiny new SUV with fart pipes, 13” wire-basket wheels, neon, and a supercharger designed for a '66 Chevelle. If it doesn't work afterwards; too bad, we thought it would be “cool” to see.

This is all
Mother-Loving ISP have been faffing with their tubes, and nerfed my DOWNLOAD speeds to 12-25 KiloBytes/second.

Upload remains untouched.

Since Monday.

Engineers are working on the problem, and are now 3 hours overdue for a progress report.

Post edited November 11, 2010 by Lone3wolf
My foot hurts.
A lot.
Just saying.
AndrewC: The next time you decide to install unauthorized, damaging software, in direct violation of the terms of use you signed...
How did a user get install rights on what should be a locked down system?
Aliasalpha: How did a user get install rights on what should be a locked down system?
Not my boxes; heck, I don't even deal with support in general but he was shouting that us DB people are to blame for his slow as shit system.