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Turned in a paper four pages under the minimum.
Have you definitely failed? I managed to squeak past an exam or 2 with the tiniest of margins when I was sure I'd failed (and one where I know for a fact I failed, that one was shifty in the extreme)

akwater: Holy crap......

Why do politicans continue to spam me with requests for me to vote for them and give them money.......Shouldn't they realize if they gave me money I might be more inclined to vote for them?
So you vote based on who does the least begging?
Vagabond: Turned in a paper four pages under the minimum.
That is what I ALWAYS did in university. In my experience quality >>>> quantity. Cheer up!
Vagabond: Turned in a paper four pages under the minimum.
How was the content? If thats good, a lot of lecturers don't care how long it is
Content was terrible. Didn't elaborate on points, nor did I logically flow the paper. The writing (grammar/style) itself was good, but everything else was terrible.
For the last time I don't give a fuck about the Kinect. Please, mainstream media, don't you have a gang shooting story to cover or something?
Aliasalpha: So you vote based on who does the least begging?
pretty much...............this year I missed the cut off... so.. no vote for me unless i fly state side really fast
My computer got fucked over when I tried to make a partition on my huge HDD for Ubuntu, so I lost all my notes in my media and geology classes. Thankfully I'm now using Evernote so it doesn't happen again. My media professor was kind enough to give me a copy of his older slides, as long as I keep it on the down low. I still haven't gotten a response from my geology professor.

Oh, and in geology class today, we had a sub, one of the lab TAs. He was flying through the PowerPoint, and when one of us asked him to slow down, he asked us why we don't download the PowerPoint slides online. We told him our professor doesn't put them online, and he spent the next five minutes telling us why our class sucks, because apparently our normal professor does everything wrong. Pretty cocky for a TA.
I'm going through another misanthropic and bitter stage. I better give the forums a rest for a while.
I simply lack sufficient words to describe how incredibly bored I am. I decided to try and get back into oblivion again since it'd been months since I last played it and maybe I'd find it less dull. Sadly this didn't happen, I swear if boredom could burn off fat, oblivion would be the ultimate diet...
I'm at the point in high school when you start liking certain people way before you should even worry about it. Most of my friends have had a tragic breakup at least once, so I tell myself that I shouldn't bother so I can avoid that. But do I listen to myself? F no.

My English teacher gave me a lower grade on my paper than I would have liked, and some of the stuff she marked as wrong were conventions used in any modern novel. It makes me wonder if she's actually READ any modern novels.

Many of the people in my school district say the district sucks, and frankly, I'm getting quite tired of it. Many of my friends plan to move soon, and I am actually beginning to have extremely light suicidal thoughts, not the kind I would follow through on, but nonetheless...
Got a tooth pulled today - I am in pain - but I have Vicodin
Post edited November 02, 2010 by Lou
Ahh and so the thread comes full circle... getting teeth pulled was half the reason I started the thread in the first place
Not a fantastic day. Wife told me it's time to put our old cat to rest, and I reluctantly agreed. Poor girl was on her last legs so we had her euthanized early this afternoon instead of dragging things out any longer. Geez, we've had Ariel around since about one year after we got married, so 18 years. Not an easy loss though we've known it's been coming for a good while now. Ah, well, now she's chasing bugs and laying in the sun up in Kitty Heaven.

Tonight my trusty work laptop blue-screened and now won't boot. Not-so-trusty today, I suppose. Fortunately I have nothing scheduled for the rest of the week so there's plenty of time to troubleshoot and get it going again. Running a hardware diag now and it's looking more and more like XP got borked since the machine itself is testing fine. Not bad - it lasted 4 1/2 years on the initial installation. I've been meaning to make some changes to it anyway but was hoping to do so over Thanksgiving week. I'm just hoping my back-up routine has been working properly. With any luck it'll be something stupid like boot.ini so I can get it going fairly quickly.

And that's why I'm so grouchy today.
Bumping because I've got a story to tell:
Today was the district race for cross country. The coach had to decide between letting me or my best friend Aaron run, as only seven people per team can race. We'd had six races during the season. Aaron was faster than me at three races, and I was faster than him at three races. On Thursday, we had had a run-off, which I won. However, coach decided to decide with a flip of a coin. Aaron won. Now, I'm not mad at Aaron. I love him like a brother. I'm mad at coach. He had said that the run-off would decide who would race, yet he still put Aaron in. Also, by doing a coin toss, coach is avoiding responsibility for choosing one of us.