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I'm always amused and shortly after seriously angered by some peoples stupidity; today was the day of the Linux-tard who was arguing in favour of mount points instead of GUIDs and drive letters.
Dear imbecile, Linux is actually going the same way as Windows did on this front-- most automated tools (like the typical Grub autoconfiguration scripts provided in a distro's installer) have been using GUIDs to identify drives for a while now, for exactly the same reason as they're used in Windows: it makes things not depend on the location where the drive is physically connected. If they did then if you would swap a HDD your whole bootloader would crap out.
However, on either operating system, you should never be seeing GUIDs outside a few administrative tasks (specifically, anything involved in configuring system boot). Once the system is up, a drive should either have a drive letter or a mount point. Linux often fails here: Gnome's automounter, at least, will default to using a GUID as the mount point name for an untitled drive (i.e. /media/A123...).
Now, please stop arguing with the "Windows fanboy" that I seem to be and go do some fucking research before trying to give me pseudo-technical arguments to your shitty premise.
Got rejected by the defence force today. I'll have to go to TAFE and take an english course if i want to join. Should have done my assessment tasks.
It kind of annoys me that my supermarket receipt says "Yolpait" instead of "Yoplait."
Cant seem to fall asleep............. sigh another shot of nyquil
I wanted to do some WPF work and I'm stuck doing serverside code. Again.
i got a headbutt yesterday! two stiches and now i look like the elephant man!!!
Floydinizer: i got a headbutt yesterday! two stiches and now i look like the elephant man!!!

Did you come off better than the other guy?
The rising cost of fossil fuels certainly isn't doing any wonders for my salary as a pilot. I may as well go into air traffic control. At night.
predcon: The rising cost of fossil fuels certainly isn't doing any wonders for my salary as a pilot. I may as well go into air traffic control. At night.

you fly planes? that's freakin' AWESOME.
(pretty flight attendants? :D)
Aliasalpha: Did you come off better than the other guy?

no, by the look of things, he didn't even seem hurt(not that i was capable of making that kind of judgement). But it sucked, i had a concert the next day and i had a HUGE bulge on my face. The only positive thing about it was the sexy doctor that stiched me :p
the only thing I can think of to bitch about right now is the fact that I can feel pain in my dreams, but the pain doesn't wake me up. last night in my dream I was standing in front of a window, and the window exploded inward, toward me. I had shards of glass in my gut and was bleeding pretty heavily, but I didn't wake up. I suppose that's what I get for freezing someone with a magic sword and stealing their les paul in the same dream.
Yeah, well, I kinda need to lessen my karmic load or some crap like this.
First things first, I drive a bunch of friends with my car. The area is crowded and I struggle to find a parking spot. I finally see one, approach and WHAM! I didn't notice that the pavement was so high. The result? The wheel arch went to hell, all of the plastic clippings disjointed and there is no way to put them back. So, obviously, the arch needs to be replaced which for that particular car costs ~100 euros. I decide not to worry about it. What happens? The next day I leave my car at the University for a couple of minutes, I come back and WOOO, some dumbass scratched my front bumper when he was leaving the parking lot. So now I've got a wheel arch to replace and a bumper to replace because they don't paint any plastic elements at Honda, they replace them by default. So it's 200+ euros.
Next day comes and I am riding my bike. I obviously get completely surprised by a freaking raging thunderstorm and spend 20 minutes trying to get back home while getting completely soaked by the biggest rain I've seen this year. I put a cherry on the top of that cake by dropping the bike in the garage. Fortunately, the crash pads save it from getting damaged but I am still pissed like hell that something like that happened.
My buddy invites me over to his house to play a board game (he's a fanatic) with his mates. I stay in Warsaw six days longer (I could be in my hometown last weekend) especially for him. What happens? He gets mad at me because I criticize his skills while we are having a 5 man premade in the League of Legends. He doesn't reply to my messages, phones or e-mails. A dude I've known for three years and had for a roommate for a year. Because of a VIDEO GAME.
I keep begging all of my friends to go out on any day they like. Just go someplace and have fun, maybe meet some people and get a god damn girlfriend. They are all busy, obviously. Then I learn that some them went to a party on Friday, yay.
My mother goes into panic when she hears that I lost weight, again. I am at 68 kilos while being 1,8 meters tall but for her I am an anorectic and I need help, like right now. Bleh.
Post edited July 31, 2010 by barjed
My computer upgrade has been delayed, I've got a nagging cough that won't go away, and internet people (not here) are depressing me with their endless hate. I see what you guys mean now when you say even with the occasionally shitty moments/people, this forum is still pretty good, cause in comparison, it definitely is.
These are not real problems and I'm mostly happy but yeah...bitching.
Post edited August 01, 2010 by chautemoc
Ever get the feeling that you're just not supposed to accomplish that one simple task?
For months now my 360 controller has had a very slight drift on the right stick because it's never quite returning to centre when I let it go, I'm guessing its getting physically stuck on a little bit of flash plastic but I usually managed to ignore it. Recently its been getting on my nerves a bit so I decided to open the controller up and file the stick housing back by a few millimetres but thought "I'll do it tomorrow".
After a few weeks of thinking "I'll do it tomorrow" and after breaking yet one more bobby pin in fallout 3 because the stick didn't recentre when I let it go, I decided that enough was enough. I look for my jewellers screwdriver set but can't find it so I have to go & get the spare one from the toolbox. I come back in and turn the controller over to discover its not philips or a flat, its a torx.
"Shit", I say to myself, my torx bit is in with MY jewellers screwdrivers. I spend the next week hunting high and low, turning out every drawer in the house, emptying the toolbox twice but then I finally have an inspiration and find that the screwdrivers had fallen down the side of my bed and had been covered by a stray piece of paper. I finally get them out and go to get the magnetic screwdriver so I can put my torx bit in. I come back in, open the screwdrivers... no torx bit.
After all that bloody time, no torx bit.
A few minutes ago when I was cleaning up my bedstide table, I move a packet of pens and bam! Torx bit. Right next to me all this damn time.
Again, I say "Shit" because the driver is back in the toolbox but decide to just get the thing over and done with, screws are rarely so tight that you can't undo them by hand so I go and get my controller
Aliasalpha that sort of crap happens to me all the time. A 5 minute job to fix something always turns into a entire day. Half the time its easier to take the fuck it approach and just replace whats broken.