So, I've never really had good grades, but they've taken a nosedive this year. Yeah, 44.4% in math and 25% in french aren't the best in the world.
But my parents are taking this the completely wrong way, although I can't completely blame them. You see, I have this sort of condition. I have no idea what it is, never been diagnosed, but it's VERY crippling both emotionally and mentally.
The best way I can describe it is like a writer with writer's block, but applied to talking, writing, memory recall etc. I've been "tested", but it was more of an IQ test. I scored pretty well, which was a bad thing for me. My mom thinks that because I scored so well, I'm just not doing homework for attention or I'm trying to "manipulate the system" or something stupid like that. She's not offering me any help whatsoever. The funny thing is, she's never even believed in these kind of things before. God, she is such a fucking hypocrite.
She also thinks that by removing the things I enjoy from my life, I'll suddenly smarten up or something like. All it's doing is damaging our relationship.
Sorry if this is hard to understand >_> I might add on to it later.