Posted May 28, 2013

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted May 28, 2013

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland

Not him again!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Finland
Posted May 30, 2013
I bought a second-hand bayonet in hopes of it becoming a decent and - more importantly - indestructible camping knife. The indestructability part of the deal is yet to be tested, but fucking hell that blade is thick. It would probably serve as a chopping instrument with a bit of sharpening, but I'm actually thinking of having someone shave a millimetre or perhaps more off it to attain a reasonable cutting edge without sacrificing too much structure.

Play with me
Registered: Dec 2011
From Spain
Posted May 30, 2013

Maybe I am not using this thread enough. :p
Post edited May 30, 2013 by Andanzas

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted May 30, 2013

Maybe I am not using this thread enough. :p
Incidentally I managed to get in touch with ByteSlaves and assured them I was real so they sent it off. Should be here Friday or Saturday. Wish I knew how to uninstall Settlers 3! AH HA! There's a legit bitch! S3 won't uninstall!

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted May 30, 2013
Seen this happen a lot - been embroiled in it (in a VERY similar manner) too many times!
Been there myself.
The "band life" they're on about is a lie - the really hard working, earning and well to do bands out there tend not to have the money nor interest in such things (yes, people can always cite the stones or whoever but it doiesnt change the fact your mate is NOT in the stones!).
you now have the option of walking on the blade edge / walking "the line" so to speak - if you try to help too much you may get drawn to that side of things against your will, if you pressure too much - then they may go completely off the rails, if they dont realise they're being a total cunt - then nothing good will happen at all!
I cannot give you any specific advice about your situation, but if you come up with a specific query about a singular happening, then feel free to ask!
Been there myself.
The "band life" they're on about is a lie - the really hard working, earning and well to do bands out there tend not to have the money nor interest in such things (yes, people can always cite the stones or whoever but it doiesnt change the fact your mate is NOT in the stones!).
you now have the option of walking on the blade edge / walking "the line" so to speak - if you try to help too much you may get drawn to that side of things against your will, if you pressure too much - then they may go completely off the rails, if they dont realise they're being a total cunt - then nothing good will happen at all!
I cannot give you any specific advice about your situation, but if you come up with a specific query about a singular happening, then feel free to ask!
Post edited May 30, 2013 by Sachys

Who am I?
Registered: May 2013
From Canada
Posted May 31, 2013
I could talk about my friend with issues aaaalllll day... but I won't, no, today I shall bitch about temptation.
As I joined this site, I found a few threads to follow, one of them being the gaming deals thread. This was a bad idea. As I am young and live at home, I have not gotten a very good grasp on financials and the reprecusions of spending too much. Money to me is something that I can spend on games. Now, I know that this isnt the case, I should be saving, but this thread..... this thread made it different....MUCH different. Now I know where all the deals are... for some this is a good thing but for me, well, lets just say I haven't got that much money left... Amazon, Humble bundles, indie game stand, gamers gate, desura, even steam... I have found out that I am not good with money today...or restraint... with the purchase of 2 bundles and a standalone game I have reduced my wealth by a sizable amount (Ok not THAT sizable, they are deals after all, but with no income, any money spent is less money that I have). As I don't have a job at the moment this is not a good thing. Anyways, this post is long enough, but suffice it to say, I have learned a lesson this day.
As I joined this site, I found a few threads to follow, one of them being the gaming deals thread. This was a bad idea. As I am young and live at home, I have not gotten a very good grasp on financials and the reprecusions of spending too much. Money to me is something that I can spend on games. Now, I know that this isnt the case, I should be saving, but this thread..... this thread made it different....MUCH different. Now I know where all the deals are... for some this is a good thing but for me, well, lets just say I haven't got that much money left... Amazon, Humble bundles, indie game stand, gamers gate, desura, even steam... I have found out that I am not good with money today...or restraint... with the purchase of 2 bundles and a standalone game I have reduced my wealth by a sizable amount (Ok not THAT sizable, they are deals after all, but with no income, any money spent is less money that I have). As I don't have a job at the moment this is not a good thing. Anyways, this post is long enough, but suffice it to say, I have learned a lesson this day.
Post edited May 31, 2013 by MeImNot

Play with me
Registered: Dec 2011
From Spain
Posted May 31, 2013
We are in the same boat.
Since last week, when I decided not to purchase more games until summer, I have bought only 17 games or so. I think that admirable willpower and self-restraint deserves a little rep, no?
Since last week, when I decided not to purchase more games until summer, I have bought only 17 games or so. I think that admirable willpower and self-restraint deserves a little rep, no?

Just as planned!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Slovakia
Posted May 31, 2013
According to my ophtalmologist, I have diplopia (double vision). Not that my eyesight isn't worth a shit now, I have to buy new glasses too. Goodbye 200€, when money is tight. Damned....
According to my ophtalmologist, I have diplopia (double vision). Not that my eyesight isn't worth a shit now, I have to buy new glasses too. Goodbye 200€, when money is tight. Damned....
According to my ophtalmologist, I have diplopia (double vision). Not that my eyesight isn't worth a shit now, I have to buy new glasses too. Goodbye 200€, when money is tight. Damned....
Post edited May 31, 2013 by klaymen

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted May 31, 2013

According to my ophtalmologist, I have diplopia (double vision). Not that my eyesight isn't worth a shit now, I have to buy new glasses too. Goodbye 200€, when money is tight. Damned....

New User
Registered: Apr 2009
From Mexico
Posted June 01, 2013
Me again. Life's still being a bitch. I was mugged AGAIN (for the third time in 2 years) on the bus way home by 3 scumbags last monday. They took everything everything I had with me, and if that wasn't enough they kicked me while i was on the floor (Literally). They even took my glasses, and my spare glasses. Fortunately I'm kinda used to be on the receiving end of a kick, I practiced Martial Arts for some time and didn't hurt me. I was more afraid of being stabbed, because I dont have health care or insurance.
The "funny" thing is that I wasn't supossed to be there that night: My dad couldn't give me a ride back home that day so I took the bus 15 minutes after I usually take it. Went to the police station, they took my statement, but something tells me that they won't catch those sons of bitches.
The "funny" thing is that I wasn't supossed to be there that night: My dad couldn't give me a ride back home that day so I took the bus 15 minutes after I usually take it. Went to the police station, they took my statement, but something tells me that they won't catch those sons of bitches.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by mario.arreola

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted June 01, 2013

The "funny" thing is that I wasn't supossed to be there that night: My dad couldn't give me a ride back home that day so I took the bus 15 minutes after I usually take it. Went to the police station, they took my statement, but something tells me that they won't catch those sons of bitches.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by langurmonkey

New User
Registered: Apr 2009
From Mexico
Posted June 01, 2013

The "funny" thing is that I wasn't supossed to be there that night: My dad couldn't give me a ride back home that day so I took the bus 15 minutes after I usually take it. Went to the police station, they took my statement, but something tells me that they won't catch those sons of bitches.

Registered: Apr 2010
From Finland
Posted June 02, 2013
It's so hot in my room.
I think I'm melting.
I think I'm melting.