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When you ask a company of 25 employees what is their network setup is to help troubleshoot random network/db connection issues and the resident "part time techie guy" comes back with an excel sheet like this: user1:, user2:,...user25: run far, far away.
A subnetted class A for a 25 man company?
Aliasalpha: A subnetted class A for a 25 man company?

Not only that but as I understand it from the networking tech I was working with (I'm mostly a DB guy) each one of their proofing printers & file servers (read that as: "other users' workstations") had their own subnet too. Only by modifying their routes on their computers could they print to the printers, get to shares on the "servers" or get to the internet.
Today has been full of double standards.
someone i work with is moving to another position, so i have to do the work of two persons from next week onwards D:
I would play the new Left 4 Dead 2 mutations but since the only way to play them is by using the horrible matchmaking system which 99% of the time puts me in a game with a 400 ping thus making me disconnect in the next 3 seconds, I can't.
Post edited June 04, 2010 by evilguy12
There are moments when it seems that everything comes down on your head and this is exactly one of them
I put Windows 7 from upgrade disk whic I ordered from Acer to my acer aspire 8530g laptop and now this piece of shit doesn't play my games anymore. Oh it plays them but very slow. It feels like the better graphic card has vanished. And by that I mean this still shows it but games don't run properly. To twist that knife more I deleted that restore partition from hdd and cannot restore vista. No amount of reinstalls help or swapping and testing drivers.
And that mofo Acer wants some 60 euros for a new restore disk. To top everything of I cannot even install XP to this overpriced pile of Mole vomit so I'm starting to feel very depressed. The install procedure just hangs up and I have to reboot the system.
Well Open office works so I can my school work at least.
So is there any Acer executives here so I can come and kick you in the balls?
Post edited June 06, 2010 by Themock
Just ran over a torrent of One Unit Whole Blood made from the package here at I've attached a screenshot with the IPs of the seeders that were early on so if you're one of them fuck you with a pitchfork you fucking useless human being! You're wasting breath on this Earth and should better just call it quits and off yourself.
ip_list.png (29 Kb)
AndrewC: Just ran over a torrent of One Unit Whole Blood made from the package here at I've attached a screenshot with the IPs of the seeders that were early on so if you're one of them fuck you with a pitchfork you fucking useless human being! You're wasting breath on this Earth and should better just call it quits and off yourself.

what the hell most of them are romanian IP's. God damn they already found this place.
Really they would prefer to illegally download a 5$ game rather than simply buy it for the content or out of respect for the developers? What the hell?!
So typical of my dear compatriots. I fucking hate this place.
Edit: quick search on demonoid turned up that list. Charlie12345, fuck you.
torrents.png (45 Kb)
Post edited June 08, 2010 by razvan252
razvan252: what the hell most of them are romanian IP's. God damn they already found this place.

It was a RO tracker.
It was bound to happen eventually, some people just will not pay for other peoples work and don't care about it either.
Also to keep on topic I have a bit of a headache.
I think I'm too spazzy for some games. Got a pair of quicktime events (the Muse Hero section in GoW3 and 5 Finger Fillet in Red Dead Redemption) that are bloody quick and I'm not sure my fingers move fast enough for them
I hate it when people decide to be morons despite being proven wrong time and time again. Dear mister idiot, you can get alkalines with huge capacities, up at 4,000 mAh. But that is reduced by about 80% if it's a high drain digital camera, for example. Alkalines HATE giving large currents, where nickels don't give a damn.
The reverse applies to an extremely low drain device, such as a remote control, where alkalines can well last decades, but a nickel will only last a few months to maybe a year due to self-discharge.
This means that you can't recommend a certain battery as a panacea to be used in all scenarios.
Wow I did not know that about batteries AndrewC thank you I learnt something new today = )