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orcishgamer: FUCK, when did it start getting completely dark by 7:30? And we're not even back to standard time yet!

Anyone in the southern hemisphere have room at their house for a few months?
You could use the "Finnish solution" to this problem. Well, knowing you, you already did ;-).
getting over the cold, but work is still shitting on me + the whole thing with the BIL ... having to work mandatory overtime this weekend -AGAIN- (something like the 6th week in a row for it).

my life is falling apart and all I want to do is zone out and play TL2 ... not a good combination since there is so much that I need to take care of but simply haven't.
SimonG: You could use the "Finnish solution" to this problem. Well, knowing you, you already did ;-).
The Finnish solution to everything is drinking, right?
orcishgamer: FUCK, when did it start getting completely dark by 7:30? And we're not even back to standard time yet!

Anyone in the southern hemisphere have room at their house for a few months?
SimonG: You could use the "Finnish solution" to this problem. Well, knowing you, you already did ;-).
Umm, I'd already did by the time you posted it. Though I think to be authenticate I would have had to choose vodka instead of wine and whiskey;)
SimonG: You could use the "Finnish solution" to this problem. Well, knowing you, you already did ;-).
Damuna: The Finnish solution to everything is drinking, right?
Unless it's about the horrid weather up there, all Finnish jokes are about drinking;)
Post edited September 26, 2012 by orcishgamer
My big screen TV the week after the warranty ended just died. I come home from the gym and all I want to do is be lazy and watch some Leverage.. but nope. I don't have a TV. Also, Netflix somehow managed to charge me multiple times this month and keep telling me they have no idea how it happened, but won't fix it. Oh well. I guess without a TV I won't be needing their services anyways.
Jorean: My big screen TV the week after the warranty ended just died. I come home from the gym and all I want to do is be lazy and watch some Leverage.. but nope. I don't have a TV. Also, Netflix somehow managed to charge me multiple times this month and keep telling me they have no idea how it happened, but won't fix it. Oh well. I guess without a TV I won't be needing their services anyways.
Well, we are in the land of "fuck you, consumer!" but a few companies will honor a warranty even if it's just expired, for good will and to avoid bad press. It's worth calling, being really nice, and asking...

If not, there's a bunch of trolls on The Consumerist that would only be too happy to phone bomb the CEO's office for you:)
Post edited September 26, 2012 by orcishgamer
Being in a city this semester in Georgia for my volunteer thing is a lot better, but DAMN is it harder to stay celibate for 3 months when there are hot chicks in skimpy clothes everywhere. Last semester it was old crones in village rags.
StingingVelvet: Being in a city this semester in Georgia for my volunteer thing is a lot better, but DAMN is it harder to stay celibate for 3 months when there are hot chicks in skimpy clothes everywhere. Last semester it was old crones in village rags.
You do know about masturbation, right?
jepsen1977: You do know about masturbation, right?
Are you implying that is an adequate substitute?
StingingVelvet: Being in a city this semester in Georgia for my volunteer thing is a lot better, but DAMN is it harder to stay celibate for 3 months when there are hot chicks in skimpy clothes everywhere. Last semester it was old crones in village rags.
Turn gay for 3 months, see how your sigoth likes that :-P Well at least I believe you were taking about a girl at some point, if you are gay, turn straight for 3 months. 'cause that's not cheating, right? Right?
Define annoyance:

A state employee is at work after 19:00 on a Friday night begging me for assistance to understand the data reporting requirements with which they are trying very hard to comply. A third party, funded by other states is paying for my time to assist said hard working state employee.

I have to tell the hard working employee that I can't actually answer her question because the federal program in charge of publishing up to date documentation has not published it. I have to do this politely and neutrally while half a dozen state and federal bodies are copies on every email.

It only takes one jackass somewhere to make something like this hard and there always seems to be one.

And for the record, the state employee working their fucking ass off is far more my experience than the person screwing up (and we all screw up sometimes, some folks just make a habit of it). So anyone who wants to sit there and bitch about government, that would be your prerogative, simply fair warning I'm going to tell you to shove it where the sun don't shine.
Fenixp: Turn gay for 3 months, see how your sigoth likes that :-P Well at least I believe you were taking about a girl at some point, if you are gay, turn straight for 3 months. 'cause that's not cheating, right? Right?
Hey if there's a zip code rule I figure a whole other country across an ocean means I have free reign, right?
jepsen1977: You do know about masturbation, right?
StingingVelvet: Are you implying that is an adequate substitute?
I may prefer Coco Pops but if oatmeal is all there is at home then oatmeal it will be since it's better than starving.
StingingVelvet: Are you implying that is an adequate substitute?
jepsen1977: I may prefer Coco Pops but if oatmeal is all there is at home then oatmeal it will be since it's better than starving.
But I can still bitch about only being able to eat oatmeal, right?

You seem to have misread the title of this thread. It does not say "things that are killing me."
jepsen1977: I may prefer Coco Pops but if oatmeal is all there is at home then oatmeal it will be since it's better than starving.
StingingVelvet: But I can still bitch about only being able to eat oatmeal, right?

You seem to have misread the title of this thread. It does not say "things that are killing me."
Actually I did kinda forget that the idea of the thread is to bitch but yes, you are more than welcome to bitch about celibacy or oatmeal all you want :-)