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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky was extremely hardware-demanding and its loading times were longer than those of the average fuel tanker, but at least it looked quite nice. I couldn't live with the loading times and so gave Call of Pripyat a shot. Itlooks like shit even with everything on maximum and suffers from microstutter. The subtitles of the intro were all wrong. The voice acting was bollocks. In about ten minutes I found out I have absolutely no interest to play the game at all. That's another six euros wasted.
AlKim: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky was extremely hardware-demanding and its loading times were longer than those of the average fuel tanker, but at least it looked quite nice. I couldn't live with the loading times and so gave Call of Pripyat a shot. Itlooks like shit even with everything on maximum and suffers from microstutter. The subtitles of the intro were all wrong. The voice acting was bollocks. In about ten minutes I found out I have absolutely no interest to play the game at all. That's another six euros wasted.
there is nothing in what you said that remotely relates to what I experienced with COP.

not saying that you are not getting the performance you say you are, but it may be an issue with you PC instead of the game being shitty .... cause it's not.

(no contest with the subtitles though, who the fuck let that slip through QA?)
AndrewC: Store had all checkout lines closed because the employees were not giving a fuck and after we drag one of them to do his actual job, when I get to pay he tells me that the card reader isn't working so I can't pay by card (there was no sign of this) and they won't open another checkout line just for me. Fucking fuckers.

So I left the things I was supposed to buy there, made a complaint in the store, called the head office and the national consumer protection agency and filled a complaint there as well.
SimonG: At least your stores open on Sundays ...
And this right here is the weirdest thing about much of Europe... you guys can literally never abolish news print due to occasional poor planning on the weekends...
orcishgamer: And this right here is the weirdest thing about much of Europe... you guys can literally never abolish news print due to occasional poor planning on the weekends...
It's because in Germany we are a socialist wasteland. Therefore workers are supposed to be with their families on the weekends and not working. Crazy shit, I tell you.
I'm feeling pretty tired and not great, and I can't tell if it's because I was exposed to something I'm allergic to for some 3 hours. Would make sense, probably. Yeah, that's probably it..
Adzeth: I'm feeling pretty tired and not great, and I can't tell if it's because I was exposed to something I'm allergic to for some 3 hours. Would make sense, probably. Yeah, that's probably it..
Just burn that thing with fire.
AlKim: ...
Here ya go.
Post edited October 10, 2012 by Fenixp
I feel too lazy to brush my teeth right now, but I know I have to.
Sogi-Ya: there is nothing in what you said that remotely relates to what I experienced with COP. not saying that you are not getting the performance you say you are, but it may be an issue with you PC instead of the game being shitty ....
One of the biggest issues is the draw distance. I'm not even the only one complaining about it, according to a quick Google search. I got 516m at best, which looked like vanilla Morrowind. I then set the graphics to maximum, which dropped it to 300m. Curiously, "maximum" settings didn't include setting the draw distance to max, but even with the slider pushed all the way to the right I got around 398m. It freaks me out because NPC's appear out of nowhere. Literally; they don't gradually appear from the fog, they are simply rendered in when I get close enough.

My recollections of Quake 4 looked better than CoP, and that game is five years older.

AlKim: ...
Fenixp: Here ya go.
Thanks, but I think I'll pass. SoC was underwhelming and CS downright unbearable to me, so my interest in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series is pretty much nil. CoP, or what little I played of it anyway, felt dated (not just because of its graphics) and generally not very interesting. It's not like I haven't got other games to take its place.
Goddamn I hate politics so much. I can't wait for this stupid ass election to be over so I don't have to hear about it anymore.

And before any discussion potentially arises from this post; we are totally fucked either way. The two-party system is an antiquated notion that has now created an idealistically divided populace (one that can't even come to terms on which issues are even important enough to merit discussion). This place is a shell of what it was just 50 years ago, and I have a tough time arguing against the America-bashers on GOG because, quite frankly, I generally agree with them.
For three months now, I'm looking for any damn job in IT. I've done some minor jobs and projects in the past, but I've never been associated with a single person or company for long - worked thus far. But now I want a proper, full-time job. And I can't get one. Why? Because I don't have enough experience! How the frack am I to get more experience when noone wants an emloyee who's got like ... half an year worth of it? Grrrrrrrrr
Fenixp: For three months now, I'm looking for any damn job in IT. I've done some minor jobs and projects in the past, but I've never been associated with a single person or company for long - worked thus far. But now I want a proper, full-time job. And I can't get one. Why? Because I don't have enough experience! How the frack am I to get more experience when noone wants an emloyee who's got like ... half an year worth of it? Grrrrrrrrr
I'm involved with a different sector, but I'm quite familiar with the frustration. I won't give up, but I might have to spend a great deal of money in the near future in order to make progress. Not referring to bribes, of course. =)
Post edited October 10, 2012 by Primate
Primate: I'm involved with a different sector, but I'm quite familiar with the frustration. I won't give up, but I might have to spend a great deal of money in the near future in order to make progress. Not referring to bribes, of course. =)
You can buy experience? Where!? I want that store and I want it nao!
In my case it's more about commercial training courses to get things going. There are a few strings attached, though.
orcishgamer: And this right here is the weirdest thing about much of Europe... you guys can literally never abolish news print due to occasional poor planning on the weekends...
SimonG: It's because in Germany we are a socialist wasteland. Therefore workers are supposed to be with their families on the weekends and not working. Crazy shit, I tell you.
I'm all for the socialist worker paradise thing, just saying it leads to chaffed butt-cheeks on some weekends;)
First there was a former space center worker who thought open space was freezing cold. At least that guy was ashamed of his ignorance. His assistant, however, is a raging moron who's proud of being one.

"Hurr durr durr... Look dood... it's in English. Ooh. Hurrr... The next link is also in English... Duuuuude. I can't read it. Duuuuuu. More English. Why is everything in English."
<half an hour of this>
"Hurrr. Lol, I translated this with Google Translate. Haha, it says "corrupted files". Haha. Corrupted files. Files that take bribes! Hahaha! Dude, think of it! Files take bribes! Haha! Funny, right?!"
<Half an hour of reading idiotic jokes aloud.>
"Hurr... Liss'n dude. Soccer. <country> vs <country>. And an hour later, Scotland vs Wales. How do they manage to finish a match in an hour? Also, Wales is in England, right dude?"
(2nd idiot) "Lol no, Wales is some shitty island."
"Lol. I thought it was a city in England. Hahaha."
<An illuminating discussion about the Higgs boson follows. I am a particle physicist, and I want to hang myself with a patchcord.>
"Why isn't the disconnected server online?"