Posted July 09, 2012
orcishgamer: There's clever ways to dodge and/or turn around the question, what they're trying to do is be non-committal, you want to do the same while giving them a positive feeling and some flexibility.
Want to share? :)SimonG: Fun fact, the job I currently have (while being criminally underpaid is still nice and easy) I got while not wearing any pants. I got a phonecall coming out of the shower and was asked if I wanted to do it.
Believe it or not, the "Hey, I would get a job while not wearing pants" was actually a factor in my decision...
orcishgamer: This would make me seriously consider any job as well. By definition I would also be flattered by any job during the execution of which they didn't want me to wear pants. Believe it or not, the "Hey, I would get a job while not wearing pants" was actually a factor in my decision...