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macuahuitlgog: I hate that people are asked this question during an interview...
orcishgamer: There's clever ways to dodge and/or turn around the question, what they're trying to do is be non-committal, you want to do the same while giving them a positive feeling and some flexibility.
SimonG: Fun fact, the job I currently have (while being criminally underpaid is still nice and easy) I got while not wearing any pants. I got a phonecall coming out of the shower and was asked if I wanted to do it.

Believe it or not, the "Hey, I would get a job while not wearing pants" was actually a factor in my decision...
orcishgamer: This would make me seriously consider any job as well. By definition I would also be flattered by any job during the execution of which they didn't want me to wear pants.
Want to share? :)
macuahuitlgog: Want to share? :)
Well, no one has asked, but if they did, I'd be flattered;)
orcishgamer: There's clever ways to dodge and/or turn around the question, what they're trying to do is be non-committal, you want to do the same while giving them a positive feeling and some flexibility.

This would make me seriously consider any job as well. By definition I would also be flattered by any job during the execution of which they didn't want me to wear pants.
macuahuitlgog: Want to share? :)
well someone has to model for ladies *ahem* toys
SimonG: You mean "private browsing"? I was told it was for security reasons ...
Elenarie: They don't lie about the name, however. Many pr0n movies start with "Private" or some similar splash screen (I read that in the "How pr0n movies start" book). :)
While wasting time I stumbled upon this.

Check the picture!
macuahuitlgog: Want to share? :)
orcishgamer: Well, no one has asked, but if they did, I'd be flattered;)
I was talking about the clever ways to dodge and/or turn around the question...
orcishgamer: Well, no one has asked, but if they did, I'd be flattered;)
macuahuitlgog: I was talking about the clever ways to dodge and/or turn around the question...
Yea... <<

Right... >>

Drank a cup of coffee 7 hours ago, and I still have high blood pressure. I'm not touching that crap again.

(I barely drink coffee, only a few cups per year.)
Post edited July 09, 2012 by Elenarie
Elenarie: Drank a cup of coffee 7 hours ago, and I still have high blood pressure. I'm not touching that crap again.

(I barely drink coffee, only a few cups per year.)
I drink a twelve cup pot every day. Coffee is good for you, whee!
Caffeine is good in some ways. Not sure about adverse effects given a reasonable consumption.

sauvignon1: I want to become an officer in the Air Force, but that won't happen for five years (1 high school + 4 college).
I'd try to be patient and enjoy those years. Lots of time to prepare (personally/mentally, physically, school-wise etc.)

Might be a stupid question coming from me, but what do you want to do in the AF?
Post edited July 09, 2012 by Primate

So I decided to try my old boss out again, and working there is a DREAM. There is a constant parade of women in their summer best passing by the entirely glass north wall of the store, and the pace is perfect. I get to focus on doing my work 100%, and making sure I am putting out a consistently top notch product, which suits my personality better than speed, speed, speed based jobs.

BUT, my old boss can only offer me Sundays for now, and he thinks he can get me another day or two going forward. So now the trick becomes how to convince my NEW boss, in the same industry, to give me XY and Z day off each week, so I can (hopefully) slowly work my way towards working full time with the old boss.

Additionally, I think I might be able to get the old boss to let me work open-close all day Sat and Sun, which would be 23 hours.
Primate: Caffeine is good in some ways. Not sure about adverse effects given a reasonable consumption.

sauvignon1: I want to become an officer in the Air Force, but that won't happen for five years (1 high school + 4 college).
Primate: I'd try to be patient and enjoy those years. Lots of time to prepare (personally/mentally, physically, school-wise etc.)

Might be a stupid question coming from me, but what do you want to do in the AF?
First off, sorry I'm replying so late. Computer motherboard fried (stay away from HP!) and we had to get a new one. I would love to be an Intelligence Officer. My SASI (Senior Aero-Science Instructor) recommended it to me, and it sounds like I'd be good at it. We'll just have to wait and see.
Post edited July 11, 2012 by sauvignon1
orcishgamer: I drink a twelve cup pot every day. Coffee is good for you, whee!
That certainly would explain your skin complexion and attitude ... ;-P
Post edited July 11, 2012 by SimonG
Woke up the night before last with searing and stabbing pain in my gut. They cut out my appendix last night, just got home today. Fuck it hurts, less than last night but I don't mind saying "Ouch."

I've had better weeks...
Quit my job y'day. Just had it with the supervisor. Gave her the finger and asked her to fuck off.....She actually suggested that I go kill myself. Had she been a man I would've torn her friggin' head off.

Was down with bronchitis for 2 days so it's pretty much a given that my work would be pending. She tells me we have to multi task and blah blah blah. Told her that I"ll have it done by the EOD and she demands that I do it within the next half an hour. So I tell her that I am doing everything I can and what does she want me to do - go kill myself. Fucked up bitch has the audacity to tell me that I should do just that. I give her the finger and ask her to shove it up hers in public.....

Wrote a letter to the management describing her behavior and but I have decided to quit.Pretty much sick of that place. I do not want to end up committing homicide.It's getting on my nerves, first of all this woman created a big scene because she thinks I don't make eye contact - these are my goddam eyes and I can choose what I want to do with 'em. My boss wasn't around and he has called me for a meeting on saturday - but I am done with this charade. There are other offers and if I stay here for a few months then I might just do something worse than I already have. I have been contemplating pushing her in front of a running train - but that's just not me.

Considering that she's goading me to kill myself sums up mental harassment.It's a pretty serious offence IMO. We"ll see what happens. I have 2 years of working experience but I have never come across such a situation...

I am not a bad writer. I aced my class with top honors and I have written 2 cover stories in the six months that I have been here. However I am just not a people's person and it's extremely difficult for me to interact with people.
Post edited July 12, 2012 by Lionel212008
Well, good luck finding a job without another outstanding cuntface. I believe such places do exist.