Posted April 05, 2012

Always a noob
Registered: Oct 2008
From Clipperton Island

Registered: Apr 2010
From Finland
Posted April 05, 2012
I'm being outsmarted by a rock -_-
I'd apparently need fancier tools or professionals to get rid of the said rock, but that'd cost more money than it's worth. The rock's just getting on my nerves, taunting me to no end..
I'd apparently need fancier tools or professionals to get rid of the said rock, but that'd cost more money than it's worth. The rock's just getting on my nerves, taunting me to no end..

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted April 05, 2012

I'd apparently need fancier tools or professionals to get rid of the said rock, but that'd cost more money than it's worth. The rock's just getting on my nerves, taunting me to no end..

Registered: Apr 2010
From Finland
Posted April 05, 2012
Thanks. I did laugh. :)

I'm just a man
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia
Posted April 05, 2012
OMFG ars technica is full of pretentious fucks O_o

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

I'm just a man
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia
Posted April 05, 2012

Microsoft vs Apple vs Google
Windows vs Linux vs Mac OS
Android vs Windows Phone vs iOS
Metro vs desktop
The list goes on and on. :D
I've only read ars perhaps three of four times before and was quite shocked at the readers comments in a particular article there, so I shared my annoyance here XD

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted April 06, 2012
So I wanted to end a succesflul week by ordering my favourite pizza from my favourite pizza place. The pizza is called "meat lover" and is exactly what you think it is. A bunch of dead animals with some dough and cheese.
But guess what, today is the only fucking day in the whole year that they won't open. [Insert blasphemic rant]
But guess what, today is the only fucking day in the whole year that they won't open. [Insert blasphemic rant]

I'm just a man
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia
Posted April 06, 2012

But guess what, today is the only fucking day in the whole year that they won't open. [Insert blasphemic rant]
p.s. - love your description of a meat lovers pizza XD

Adam We
Registered: May 2010
From Canada
Posted April 06, 2012
The phrase "choice and consequences" sounds smarmier and smarmier every time I hear it. If I hear it one more time I'm going to start sending cheques to Todd Howard and Naoki Yoshida.
Skill checks in dialog is similarly ruined for me. I can't think of them without thinking about certain communities of Internet men I won't describe in detail.
Skill checks in dialog is similarly ruined for me. I can't think of them without thinking about certain communities of Internet men I won't describe in detail.

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted April 06, 2012

Skill checks in dialog is similarly ruined for me. I can't think of them without thinking about certain communities of Internet men I won't describe in detail.

Adam We
Registered: May 2010
From Canada

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted April 06, 2012
Im like so bored out of my brain!!

Beer Geek
Registered: Jun 2010
From Finland
Posted April 07, 2012
Women are weird and incomprehensible. Seriously, they have no problem having 100 guy friends to stroke their ego and dating assholes, but as soon as a nice guy comes along they just don't give a shit... at least not until their asshole boyfriend starts treating them like an asshole, which always seems to come as a surprise to them. Guess who has to listen to that f***ing whining? I know this has been said a hundred times but I'll say it again because screw you that's why!
Also, there's way too much fucking schoolwork right now, because instead of distributing it evenly throughout spring every teacher decided to dump their retarted workloads on us at the same time, because they're too fucking lazy to actually do their jobs properly and just want to start the summer holidays early.
Also, there's way too much fucking schoolwork right now, because instead of distributing it evenly throughout spring every teacher decided to dump their retarted workloads on us at the same time, because they're too fucking lazy to actually do their jobs properly and just want to start the summer holidays early.

Not him again!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Finland
Posted April 08, 2012