Posted April 11, 2012

Not him again!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Finland

Hedonistic pig
Registered: Jan 2011
From Other
Posted April 11, 2012
I am so tired of my job as a journalist. Haven't gone to work for the past two days....I have to run around for article quotes for every little thing even press releases. It's just driving me nuts because people seemingly back out at the last moment and I hate these corporate douchebags. I would have faked article quotes but it's not that these easy being that it is a technical write up after all and you need people photos as well. I already am a misanthrope and the more I meet these morons the more I begin to hate human beings.....I just wanna run away or go postal or something.What I am doing is career hara kiri but I just feel so suicidal at the moment.
god damn friggin quotes....
god damn friggin quotes....
Post edited April 11, 2012 by Lionel212008

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted April 11, 2012
My current 1st world problem:
MA-class training times was moved to 7:30pm (on all days). Previously they were 6:30pm and 8:30pm, on different days.
6:30pm was early enough that I stayed at work longer, and went to the class straight from there. I had enough time after the class to go buy groceries etc. before heading home.
8:30pm was late enough that I first went home (or even enough time for buying groceries), ate something at home, relaxed a bit, and then went to training.
7:30pm practically means I need to go home quite early especially if I intend to buy groceries, eat something and go straight to class. No time for groceries afterwards.
MA-class training times was moved to 7:30pm (on all days). Previously they were 6:30pm and 8:30pm, on different days.
6:30pm was early enough that I stayed at work longer, and went to the class straight from there. I had enough time after the class to go buy groceries etc. before heading home.
8:30pm was late enough that I first went home (or even enough time for buying groceries), ate something at home, relaxed a bit, and then went to training.
7:30pm practically means I need to go home quite early especially if I intend to buy groceries, eat something and go straight to class. No time for groceries afterwards.

Vote colour.
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted April 11, 2012
The job offer i was after was, as usual, already taken. Would be nice if the job centre gave something that has not expired already. So many fucking awesome stuff of 2012 is passing me by, due to my inability to find a job. Still, the job centre [or whatever the english name for that is] sucks.

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted April 11, 2012

My bitch today? A timing thing. I had a trip to Milwaukee yesterday and had thought about extending it to go up to Green Bay and introduce myself to a couple potential customers and go knock heads with a deadbeat customer. I looked at the stuff I need to get done back home and decided to go back to the house instead. About 2/3 of the way home I got a text from a fellow independent, saying he is probably going to be in that same area on Thursday, to do some work for a customer that I sent his way (he's the better choice for the job the customer wants done) and I told him I'd like to tag along and learn from him. Just wish that text had come in just a couple hours earlier - could have spared myself some 'windshield time'.

Brewed in Dublin
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2012
Someone/thing broke into my fridge last night and stole the hamburger meat I had prepped for burgers today. I've got a pretty good idea who it was.... -__-

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

Brewed in Dublin
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2012
That's a negative. They were kind enough to leave me with an unopened package. And only helped themselves to a few other things.

Brewed in Dublin
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

Brewed in Dublin
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2012
Endor, on the outskirts of an Ewok village...
I live near the edge of some woods. Near a river that runs to a very large lake. I had an old tomcat that passed away last year who befriended these little shits when he was alive and they still come up here to scavenge on a regular basis. So, this is payback for me running them off last night when they helping themselves to my cat's (different cat) food. They waited till I was in bed and came back and raided the fridge.
I live near the edge of some woods. Near a river that runs to a very large lake. I had an old tomcat that passed away last year who befriended these little shits when he was alive and they still come up here to scavenge on a regular basis. So, this is payback for me running them off last night when they helping themselves to my cat's (different cat) food. They waited till I was in bed and came back and raided the fridge.

Brewed in Dublin
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2012
I think I'll set some pineapple out for them tonight...
And I hope it gives'em the shits
And I hope it gives'em the shits

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted April 15, 2012

A 410 shotgun should solve it, you only have to shoot one or two before they bail. They're smart after all.
Post edited April 15, 2012 by orcishgamer

Brewed in Dublin
Registered: Nov 2011
From United States
Posted April 15, 2012
Nah, if I was gonna shoot them I would've done it long ago. This has been going on for years, but this is the boldest move they've made in awhile. And they didn't clean the fridge out. Which they could've easily done. They actually just went for a few items. Maybe they were saving the other stuff for later raids though...

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted April 15, 2012