Posted September 27, 2011
AlKim: Fever. It peaked at 39.5C (103.1F), which is probably the worst fever I've ever had in my life. I've managed to lower it to 38.1C (100,6F) with some damp towels, and though I feel much less lethargic than I used to, it'd be ridiculous to call this comfortable.
When I had mono I got up to 105, I could only put my feet in ice water (I used the tub and ice cubes when I could), that and Tylenol were the only thing that kept me out of the ER. She if a cold soak for your feet helps (if you can sit up). If it gets too bad go to the hospital, that is pretty bad as a fever. But they can give you surgery right (I assume it's your knee) and you won't need an artificial knee or anything will you?
Post edited September 27, 2011 by orcishgamer