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strixo: Do you have many mortal enemies? What about the immortal ones?

Anyway, good luck with that. It sucks to sabotage yourself. Better to talk with someone you can trust about it.
Hawk52: I like to think in my past life I tried ti usurp the gods, so have been punished with terrible, terrible luck as a consequence.
Not bad. I prefer existential woe. Life can be terrible, there is no meaning, and the universe does not care. But this is not a viewpoint I would try and persuade people to. The absurdity of human existence is unsettling.

But, I try and find value in individual human experience, and in the struggle against absurdity, a la Camus. Sometimes it works, mostly I am unconvinced.
Hawk52: I like to think in my past life I tried ti usurp the gods, so have been punished with terrible, terrible luck as a consequence.
strixo: Not bad. I prefer existential woe. Life can be terrible, there is no meaning, and the universe does not care. But this is not a viewpoint I would try and persuade people to. The absurdity of human existence is unsettling.

But, I try and find value in individual human experience, and in the struggle against absurdity, a la Camus. Sometimes it works, mostly I am unconvinced.
Once you decide on the course of our existences having no meaning beyond being simple animals, and life itself just being a series of unconnected interludes until our eventual and meaningless death, it is somewhat difficult to place value in the everyday existence of life. That's probably what led man to believe in the existence of spirits and gods to begin with. To give meaning to which there is no meaning.

This got depressive/philosophical...Back on track

My teeth hurt again too. :( Damn chocolate bar.
Over the ex... Decided to just cut her out of my life. Figured it was the only thing to do...

Met another gal er rather one who had been interested but i was otherwise occupied..., but I'm trying to take it slow... and yet we spent about four hours talking last night on the phone :( crap... I do not want this to be a rebound, and I do not want to rush anything..... :/
I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years about...well, I think it's almost been a year now. Actually, she's the one who broke it off. But we're still friends. Seeing her as often as I do feels like someone is constantly ripping open a wound. I'm extremely lonely now, but I don't have the heart to go out and try to hunt up anyone else. I'm still too attached to her, despite the fact that I'm far smart enough to know when something is over. I feel angry about being so clingy, angry at her for the flaws she has that pretty make ensure that we will never work out together again, and very emotionally sore.

Other than that, things aren't going too shabby.
There. I have bitched about life -_-.
Girlfriend thing has not contacted me at all for a week now since telling me she wanted time apart to think. She even ignored some pretty important and life-changing news I emailed her about myself. I'm pretty much assuming she is done with me and is too big a coward to say anything about it, which is just her style. Why I want someone like that to call and ask for me back is beyond me.

As for life in general that life-changing news sucks pretty bad, but also makes me feel like I understand myself a lot more. We shall see what comes of it, I have a follow-up on Friday.
Lack of sleep is killing me.

Professors, why did you set up 3 tests this week?!? You trying to kill me or something????

I need moar sleepz, dammit!
MGShogun: Lack of sleep is killing me.

Professors, why did you set up 3 tests this week?!? You trying to kill me or something????

I need moar sleepz, dammit!

This will not help in any way, but I was listening to it when I saw your post, so...:P
MGShogun: Lack of sleep is killing me.

Professors, why did you set up 3 tests this week?!? You trying to kill me or something????

I need moar sleepz, dammit!
jefequeso: [url][/url]

This will not help in any way, but I was listening to it when I saw your post, so...:P

In exactly 24 hours from now, I will be able to sleep peacefully.
All my friends wanna get drunk and I'd like to stay sober for at least a week or two. If I don't join their parties then we have no mutual conversation topics... Because I wasn't out there doing crazy, stupid and funny things while drunk like everyone else.

Aaahh, the joys of being a student in Finland (and everywhere else apparently).
Deus_Ex: All my friends wanna get drunk and I'd like to stay sober for at least a week or two. If I don't join their parties then we have no mutual conversation topics... Because I wasn't out there doing crazy, stupid and funny things while drunk like everyone else.

Aaahh, the joys of being a student in Finland (and everywhere else apparently).
Don't give in. It's really not worth it.

If the only thing that your friends have in common with eachother is their mutual drunken stupidity...well, you get my drift.
Deus_Ex: All my friends wanna get drunk and I'd like to stay sober for at least a week or two. If I don't join their parties then we have no mutual conversation topics... Because I wasn't out there doing crazy, stupid and funny things while drunk like everyone else.

Aaahh, the joys of being a student in Finland (and everywhere else apparently).
jefequeso: Don't give in. It's really not worth it.

If the only thing that your friends have in common with eachother is their mutual drunken stupidity...well, you get my drift.
I was just going to say this. If you have no mutual topics or interests to link you beyond being drunk together...Are you really friends? To me, being friends has to have a deeper meaning then "OMG Letz get drunkzors~!" but that's just my opinion.
I'm gonna bitch even though it's really none of my business, since it doesn't affect me much.I have a friend ( that I met at my job, but then he got fired for calling in sick too much) on facebook , and for some reason his posts just irritate me even though they really shouldn't. ( probably cuz I'm an asshole)

He's been unemployed since January and living (or freeloading as I would call it) in his friends apartment since then. Instead of looking for a job, all he does is get high and drunk, play videogames, and watch tv.

anyways, on facebook, everytime I see him make a post on facebook (which is often), it's always about something stupid. For example he talks about how he wants some chocolate milk, then a few hours later he makes a post talking about he got some chocolate milk. He talks about what shitty movies he's watching. He posts about he's getting drunk right now. He just made a post showing a picture of an ice cream bar he just bought. Basically he posts about what a couch potato he is ( he's also 400 + pounds)
Everytime he posts I want to be an asshole and say " Why the hell should I care about your ice cream bar or chocolate milk or whatever? You seem like you have to much time on your hands, Quit being a lazy freeloading fatass and get a job already".

So... is there a polite way to say that?
Post edited September 14, 2011 by CaptainGyro
CaptainGyro: I'm gonna bitch even though it's really none of my business, since it doesn't affect me much.I have a friend ( that I met at my job, but then he got fired for calling in sick too much) on facebook , and for some reason his posts just irritate me even though they really shouldn't. ( probably cuz I'm an asshole)

He's been unemployed since January and living (or freeloading as I would call it) in his friends apartment since then. Instead of looking for a job, all he does is get high and drunk, play videogames, and watch tv.

anyways, on facebook, everytime I see him make a post on facebook (which is often), it's always about something stupid. For example he talks about how he wants some chocolate milk, then a few hours later he makes a post talking about he got some chocolate milk. He talks about what shitty movies he's watching. He posts about he's getting drunk right now. He just made a post showing a picture of an ice cream bar he just bought. Basically he posts about what a couch potato he is ( he's also 400 + pounds)
Everytime he posts I want to be an asshole and say " Why the hell should I care about your ice cream bar or chocolate milk or whatever? Quit being a lazy freeloading fatass and get a job already".

So... is there a polite way to say that?
"You know, if you had a job you could buy many more ice cream bars."

? Does that work? I'm not very good at the subtle aspect of life.
So...I just had a realization I don't like.

I've complained about it before, but I have depression/anxiety issues. And for the past month or so, I've been battling broken teeth and a mouth infection. During that period, I was given vicodin.

A minute ago, I had an anti-social flare up. Friends wanted to play games, I freaked the hell out about it. And I took a vicodin. Not because I was in pain, but because it makes it stop.

I felt fine...and I started thinking. And I realized that for the last three or so weeks for pretty much every single day I've either taken a vicodin or drank alcohol. Because it makes it stop.

I think I caught myself before I was in too much trouble...but I don't think this is very good.
Deus_Ex: All my friends wanna get drunk and I'd like to stay sober for at least a week or two. If I don't join their parties then we have no mutual conversation topics... Because I wasn't out there doing crazy, stupid and funny things while drunk like everyone else.

Aaahh, the joys of being a student in Finland (and everywhere else apparently).
You can stay forever sober, be a Finnish student and still have friends (and even have conversations with them). Finding a proper sober friend might take a few years, though. In my university, I've also learned that you can have mutual conversation topics with people who drink heavily when you don't. They just might not appreciate some views on their drinking and how "necessary" it is.

Do drunks actually do funny things? I once listened to a long explanation about how some guy was drunk, and then he walked around town and it was "sooo funny". When I asked him if he learned this "ability to walk" under the influence, and if he replicate it sober, he got annoyed at me for some reason. There was also this one guy, who told me about how he smashed his wife's expensive family heirloom thing, because he was drunk and "the bitch kept complaining about his drinking". This was supposed to be a funny and righteous story, apparently. Then a third guy told me about how he went around stealing people's stuff when under the influence. This was supposed to be funny as well. I don't think I've ever heard of an actually funny thing that drunks would do.