fr33kSh0w2012: I don't fucking know that ain't my car I don't even have a car the last tenant must of been some fat lazy bastard!
Tauto: Yep,looks like he wanted to drive through the front door or certainly not want to walk too far.
any closer and he would have mounted the ROOF this place IS FULL of baby boomer's too, Apparently hope some of them have mid twenties something daughters they want to get rid... I mean marry off to any guy!
fr33kSh0w2012: I don't live there yet!
It's just common knowledge on the net!
I think tinyE's passed out from too much partying
tinyE: I'm actually working.
Full house.
But this is not a post for this thread because I LOVE my job.
Yes I have to pack my whole house up and Move to the lazy car guys house, Because that is going to be my new house, It smelt like paint today, I have a good shnoz on me, I could smell paint.
tinyE: Full house.
But this is not a post for this thread because I LOVE my job.
Proves he's partying. in his BNB.
Now for my Alcoholic cakes, I've only eaten I dunno a tray, it's funny because my piss smells like nail polish remover.