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My stupid brand new MP3 player was working perfectly 15 minutes ago and now it is...dead, I guess. Wont charge or turn on.
So a guy I buy stuff from went on this tirade about how Blues music is Satanic.

Yes, really. I just stood there as he went on his little speech. I mean, wow, it's not like Blues doesn't have its own subset of Gospel music or anything.

I almost smacked him. I decided to not say anything to, or buy anything from him today. -_-
I'm back in this thread : O

Just wanna share with you how frustrating it is to look up all the stuff you need to move to another country. And I don't even need a visa/residence permit, so go figure!

On an off topic note, if anyone here wants to give me some free finnish lessons... ;DD
I'been tormenting myself with comments about why consoles are better than PC and why all PC gamers are pirates and so forth..

Is there a some sort of cap for human stupidity? After reading comments like these:

"I think what is unfortunate about CDProjekt is that they have too much faith in the PC gaming community. They think that if they play nice with PC gamers and release The Witcher II with no DRM that they'll all buy it instead of pirate it.

The developers for World of Goo did the exact same thing. They said they trust their fans, released the game with no DRM and guess what? The game had a piracy rate of over 90 percent. The game sold so poorly on the PC that they even tried letting the consumer set their own price for the game and it still did nothing to curb piracy rates."

"With or without DRM, PC gamers are going to pirate."

"I bet you anything that The Witcher II will be the last PC exclusive that CD Projekt EVER develops and once again PC gamers are going to scapegoat console gamers as being the source of all their problems."

"I have no doubt in my mind that Dragon Age II was designed as a more console centric game so I can understand why PC gamers may be upset.
That being said, they should not take their anger out on console gamers. We don't have to apologize for being better customers than you and we shouldn't have to hold your hand and explain to you why publishers are losing interest in a gaming demographic who think they're entitled to play everything for free.

If consoles are for "kiddies" then you'd at least expect PC gamers to be mature enough to realize that a business operates on money and not torrent downloads."

"I've never understood why PC gamers refuse to admit that piracy is a problem.
Piracy happens on consoles too but it seems PC gamers get the most defensive about the issue of piracy.

I think the reason they're so emotional about it is because deep down they know what they're doing is wrong."

"PC master race just have a hard time taking in the fact that their superior rig and graphics is no match for the console peasant's weak hardware, so they are grabbing at straws"

I need a stiff drink...
GameRager: More like the PC gaming community knows that piracy really isn't the problem & recognize and acknowledge this, rather than believe every bit of PR spin by the gaming companies.

I could use a drink myself. wHAT'LL YA HAVE?
Im partial to Bahama Mama please :-P
GameRager: More like the PC gaming community knows that piracy really isn't the problem & recognize and acknowledge this, rather than believe every bit of PR spin by the gaming companies.

I could use a drink myself. wHAT'LL YA HAVE?
Well in a way it is. Though the problem is more publishers and whatever concentrates too much on that particular problem.

Or at least they like to use that excuse. I can't read minds, so I can't say for sure if it is pure ignorance that is the problem here.
Or something else. Doesn't really matter.

Hopefully piracy on the various consoles increases.
Azarr: Hopefully piracy on the various consoles increases.
On the PS3 I fail to see how it can't increase at this point.
I have the dentist in 9 hours and am a bit pissed. Dentist will probly be able to tell me what i had today even if i spend 6 hours brushing my teeth and gargling mouthwash
Uhg, I got that booster for tetanus/pertussis yesterday and I feel like ass:(
I slept so horrible last night and I feel like a zombie today my whole day is going to be crap
Roman5: I slept so horrible last night and I feel like a zombie today my whole day is going to be crap
And to add insult you injury youve become a corny joke in another thread :-P
Oh, hey, another game I bought won't start because my anti-virus program doesn't like the DRM..

I sent a rather fiery mail to the support (F-Secure) about this, hope they will answer me.

Conclusion: I hate DRM..
So...when I first got my girlfriend, she had broken up with her ex for me. While were dating she once broke up with me for him, but we got back together. Our parents were against us being together, we did some things we shouldn't have, and long story short I have two years to wait before I can even talk to her.

We promised each other we would wait for each other...I find out today that she might get back together with her ex.

I'm not exactly a happy camper right now. I'm going to keep waiting for her (I promised) but dang...this freakin SUCKS!!!!
I fell out of bed and half landed on a dog that decided to drag its bed to my room in the last hourish
reaver894: I fell out of bed and half landed on a dog that decided to drag its bed to my room in the last hourish
So should we feel sorry for you or the dog?