Posted August 05, 2009
AKA: Vent your spleen, Scream at the void or Post way too much personal information on the internet
Born of discussions in two recent forum threads, the point of this thread is to blow off steam about life problems in general. Does something terrify you, shit you to tears, depress you to the point where you run out of tears? Then this is the place to bitch about it, think of it as a cheaper alternative to visiting a shrink with the downside of not being able to get drugs or ogle cute receptionists. People are encouraged to offer advice, suggest distractions or just read and say to themselves "damn I'm glad my life doesn't suck that much"
I'll summarise my issues briefly since they're spelled out with more detail in those linked threads but this time my bitching comes with a bonus, its like a special edition of a game but you don't have to pay an extra $20 (though I won't knock it back) and you can actually get it for PC.
Bitch 1: 2 days ago I wrote an email that destroyed my hopes of a romantic relationship. This wasn't an accident but a grim acceptance of the fact that I'd clearly lost to another man. This was, as you can imagine, pretty fucked up but the real killer was that I lost not though my flawed actions or the fact that this other guy was better, I lost specifically because I couldn't afford to fly to Finland and be with her in person and this other guy was already there. I didn't even get a chance to TRY.
She simply couldn't be 100% sure about how she felt about me until we met in person which is quite understandable and the combination of the variables involved in my going and the fact it was going to be early 2011 at the earliest just made me too much of a risk (at least to my interpretation) so she seems to have settled for 'good' rather than take a chance on waiting for 'awesome'.
Bitch 2: This morning, I had 4 teeth pulled out before 9am. This was a planned medical procedure rather than a psycho bursting in on me with a pair of pliers but the end result is a hell of a lot of blood, swelling and a moderate amount of pain (less than I expected but then I imagine the really fun pain won't set in till I wake up tomorrow).
The teeth themselves were disgusting, the roots were compromised by an infection that got in when the other impacted teeth were colliding and when I looked at the damaged areas the closest thing I could describe them as was being like that fatty gristle and sinew you get in the joint of a leg of lamb only it was semi-dissolved bone. Lovely stuff. They asked if I wanted to keep the teeth and I did contemplate making them into a necklace, possibly offering it as a prize in the random community draw, but I decided against it. It's been more than 8 hours now and the bleeding is finally coming to a stop, most of my spit just tastes like blood rather than looks like it.
The real bastard of it is that I've got something similar to the itch you can't scratch when you have your arm in a cast, I now have a strong craving for pizza but the only thing I can have is soup and really soft foods and I am NOT getting out the blender and making a pizza shake
Bitch 3: One of the best friends I've ever had has recently gotten pregnant after months of trying, she was overjoyed about it and has talked about nothing else since she found out. This morning she was diagnosed with the dreaded swine flu and whilst its far from the next bubonic plague (I've known 3 people who've had it and they say its not quite as bad as the last flu they had) it does carry a higher than usual risk of miscarriage.
The doctors have just told her to go to the hospital and so she's understandably panicked. Given the fact that she's one of my best friends, this has sort of got me remarkably worried too.
All in all, its been a fun week of mental and physical anguish and its not over yet because I have to go to the unemployment office tomorrow and handle their bureaucratic bollocks or I won't have any money this fortnight.
Well thats my speen thoroughly vented, a void screamed at and internets accepting my personal information. Calling the next patient...
Born of discussions in two recent forum threads, the point of this thread is to blow off steam about life problems in general. Does something terrify you, shit you to tears, depress you to the point where you run out of tears? Then this is the place to bitch about it, think of it as a cheaper alternative to visiting a shrink with the downside of not being able to get drugs or ogle cute receptionists. People are encouraged to offer advice, suggest distractions or just read and say to themselves "damn I'm glad my life doesn't suck that much"
I'll summarise my issues briefly since they're spelled out with more detail in those linked threads but this time my bitching comes with a bonus, its like a special edition of a game but you don't have to pay an extra $20 (though I won't knock it back) and you can actually get it for PC.
Bitch 1: 2 days ago I wrote an email that destroyed my hopes of a romantic relationship. This wasn't an accident but a grim acceptance of the fact that I'd clearly lost to another man. This was, as you can imagine, pretty fucked up but the real killer was that I lost not though my flawed actions or the fact that this other guy was better, I lost specifically because I couldn't afford to fly to Finland and be with her in person and this other guy was already there. I didn't even get a chance to TRY.
She simply couldn't be 100% sure about how she felt about me until we met in person which is quite understandable and the combination of the variables involved in my going and the fact it was going to be early 2011 at the earliest just made me too much of a risk (at least to my interpretation) so she seems to have settled for 'good' rather than take a chance on waiting for 'awesome'.
Bitch 2: This morning, I had 4 teeth pulled out before 9am. This was a planned medical procedure rather than a psycho bursting in on me with a pair of pliers but the end result is a hell of a lot of blood, swelling and a moderate amount of pain (less than I expected but then I imagine the really fun pain won't set in till I wake up tomorrow).
The teeth themselves were disgusting, the roots were compromised by an infection that got in when the other impacted teeth were colliding and when I looked at the damaged areas the closest thing I could describe them as was being like that fatty gristle and sinew you get in the joint of a leg of lamb only it was semi-dissolved bone. Lovely stuff. They asked if I wanted to keep the teeth and I did contemplate making them into a necklace, possibly offering it as a prize in the random community draw, but I decided against it. It's been more than 8 hours now and the bleeding is finally coming to a stop, most of my spit just tastes like blood rather than looks like it.
The real bastard of it is that I've got something similar to the itch you can't scratch when you have your arm in a cast, I now have a strong craving for pizza but the only thing I can have is soup and really soft foods and I am NOT getting out the blender and making a pizza shake
Bitch 3: One of the best friends I've ever had has recently gotten pregnant after months of trying, she was overjoyed about it and has talked about nothing else since she found out. This morning she was diagnosed with the dreaded swine flu and whilst its far from the next bubonic plague (I've known 3 people who've had it and they say its not quite as bad as the last flu they had) it does carry a higher than usual risk of miscarriage.
The doctors have just told her to go to the hospital and so she's understandably panicked. Given the fact that she's one of my best friends, this has sort of got me remarkably worried too.
All in all, its been a fun week of mental and physical anguish and its not over yet because I have to go to the unemployment office tomorrow and handle their bureaucratic bollocks or I won't have any money this fortnight.
Well thats my speen thoroughly vented, a void screamed at and internets accepting my personal information. Calling the next patient...