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Hi! I'd like to be in, please, for:

Kerbal Space Program
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Layers of Fear

Thanks for promoting Linux.

I have only played a few games on Linux laptop but wouldn't mind playing more.

I will be in for


Shovel knight



sasuke12 was me originally.
sasuke12.png (49 Kb)
low rated
I use Linux at work.

Never felt like playing any games on it though.

I would like to participate in the giveaway for-

Among the sleep

Layers of fear


Victor Vran
low rated
In for:

Heroes of Might and Magic Pack
That's a huge list! I'm not going to enter, to give more chances for those who want to try out Linux, but thanks again for doing it! You also can ask winners to share their experience of trying Linux in this thread. That would be interesting.

Titanium: Which games work on raspberry pi 3? (edit: typo, can't even spell the name right...)
Some from the list do (Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis for example).

I.e. all games which run in ScummVM:
Post edited December 01, 2016 by shmerl
Holy ****, thanks again for another great giveaway adamhm :)! I’m in for the following games (listed in order of preference):

Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition
Satellite Reign
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Hard West Collector's Edition + Scars of Freedom
STALKER: Call of Pripyat
*slackjawed stare*
Criminy. That' insane amount of games! Good ones, too! o_O
I still refuse to use Linux and will probably die clinging to Windows, but if it's allowed to be in for others, I'll be in for MarkoH01 to receive Epistory (I rememher him making some sort of post a while back about wanting it). Or whatever else he wants.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: I still refuse to use Linux and will probably die clinging to Winows
Are you working for MS?-)
zeogold: I still refuse to use Linux and will probably die clinging to Winows
shmerl: Are you working for MS?-)
No, no. I'm running an OS I made myself. You can tell since it says "Winows" and not "Windows".

In all seriousness though, it's way too complicated and inconvenient for me to ever even try bothering to use.
And before you protest and give me a list of reasons why I should try, let me point out that there are a number of people here who can attest to the fact that I am utterly, absolutely, completely tech-illiterate to levels which most folks have never even seen before or knew was possible. Heck, a couple days ago, I accidentally managed to turn off my mouse (touchpad, actually). I didn't even know you COULD do that and everybody I talked to couldn't figure out what on earth I had to have done to get to that point. I almost was ready to send the laptop back to the tech company before I accidentally pressed escape and somehow that made it work again.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: And before you protest and give me a list of reasons why I should try, let me point out that there are a number of people here who can attest to the fact that I am utterly, absolutely, completely tech-illiterate to levels which most folks have never even seen before or knew was possible.
I don't doubt that, my mom is like that, we taught her to use word, and three days later she called me in a panic, she opened a window and she can't make it go away. Turned out she pressed a sequence of keys that opened help in fullscreen, and the sequence is so obscure that it's pure random luck that she pressed it. I made her a "help file" of handwritten notes of how to do the basic stuff on XP. Other I've dealt with is people buying new printers/speakers/screens/ect, and then had to go out to their home to "fix" their stuff not working, from people setting the printer next to the PC and then using the cables for other uses and thinking it'll work without the cables, once had to go "fix" a GPU not working, just to discover it laying on top of the PC with the video cable plugged in.

I'm so use to people (mostly older folk, but not exclusively to that age group) not having a clue about computers that when I'm asked to come help, I take a notepad along so that I could write down what I've done, so that they can do it themself next time.
te_lanus: I'm so use to people (mostly older folk, but not exclusively to that age group) not having a clue about computers that when I'm asked to come help, I take a notepad along so that I could write down what I've done, so that they can do it themself next time.
I installed Linux for several elderly people without technical knowledge. They took notes too :) And since then, they aren't even scared to use the terminal, as long as they follow those notes ;)
Post edited December 01, 2016 by shmerl
adamhm: Anyway you don't have to use or try Linux to enter the giveaway, so if there's anything you want feel free to enter :)
Thanks. Maybe I will enter before the deadline.

Edit : Well, if I may, I'm in for :
- Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series
- The Saboteur
- Gun
- The Wolf Among Us
- Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Post edited December 13, 2016 by MaxFulvus
I have been using Linux as my main operating system at home and work for the past few months now. I only keep Windows for some games that just aren't available on Linux yet or to use Office for official stuff.

I would like to try the following games on Linux:

Dead Space
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Master of Orion 1+2
Monkey Island pack (The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition, Monkey Island 2 SE, Tales of Monkey Island)

Thank you.
Thanks for the giveaway, adamhm!
Very generous of you. One can't help but guess that you'll probably the biggest Linux lover in GOG forums. :)

I'm in for:
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition
The Saboteur
Transport Fever

Also if I can enter only for part of some packs, I'm in for:
New & Tasty + Alf's Escape + Scrub Abe
Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition
I'm in for the following in order of preference:

> The Saboteur
> Shovel Knight
> System Shock: Enhanced Edition
> This Is the Police
> Titan Quest - Anniversary Edition
> Worms: Armageddon
> Mirror's Edge

I personally bought in July a laptop with the explicit purpose of installing Linux Mint on it (after trying said distro in a VM for a while), as I figured dual-booting would be too complicated. In the first couple of months, I had some serious problems with the wifi, as it dropped on and off (a part in this also seemed to play its Broadcom wifi card), but since a month or so ago, the wifi has been much smoother -no idea what happened, maybe an update fixed some issues.
I like LM Mate very much, and the main reason I haven't fully switched is basically because of MS Office, since some uni professors of mine want papers in .doc format (most want print and/or pdf though, which is fine), but a document edited in LibreOffice doesn't always show up correctly in MSO (e.g.footnotes might be all over the place) -while the inverse shows up fine- ,which convinced me that LO is compatible with MSO, but MSO is not compatible with LO, and thus the fault lies with MS. But since MSO is what everybody uses, people tend to assume it's LO's fault, and MS isn't ofc going to fix its compatibility with LO, as it's to its interests to keep people shackled to its own office suite. I've read WPS Office fares better in having its documents show up fine in MSO (correct me if I'm wrong), but its Linux version is still in alpha, so...
Anyways, my point is that games aren't such a stopgap factor for me from switching, as many are cross-platform and others can be played with dosbox et al., and I also don't play AAA games, so I don't care if these are ever released for linux or not.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway adamhm (and the previous ones ofc, which I watched with much interest, even if I didn't enter since I hadn't really used Linux as much as I should) and +1!
Post edited December 01, 2016 by Treasure