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I had loved the previous giveaway. It taught me tons about client side of linux (linux Mint Cinnemon 17.2) which I am using regularly from my flashdisk. I didnt have to change anything on my laptop, just booting from 16GB flashdisk which is a little slow yet able to handle all my programs. It boots in 10 seconds which is a huge plus when I need to use urgently since my Vista takes 6 minutes to load. Anyways.

This time I will be in for:
* Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition
* The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition

A huge +1 for your generosity and love for linux. I want to add some information about linux who are wondering why they should switch to linux. I am an IT manager and have been using linux on my servers for over 10 years now so I can only speak for the server side.

When it comes to managing a server, Linux is almost the only option. The biggest companies of the world all use linux as their server including IBM, NASA, Google, Facebook, Twitter, FBI, NSA....

Also, when it comes to supercomputers of the world, you will see that only 1 of them uses Windows which is Microsoft's own supercomputer.[url= ] You can find lists here [/url] or simply check the images i added for results as of November 2015.

EDIT: Looks like Window's super computer isnt even in the list anymore. So NO WINDOWS.
you clearly have the drive and the will but I can't believe you find the current linux state of the art good enough to be called a alternative to windows

so instead of these initiatives that almost look like bribes, why not something much more ambitious like a new distro

not a new distro to add to the thousands already available but a breakthrough to finally put the linux technology to use for the good of end user worldwide specially those currently using windows

lets stop the monopoly that only developers and it administrators take advantage of the linux technology and finaly let end users also profit from it
triple_l: you clearly have the drive and the will but I can't believe you find the current linux state of the art good enough to be called a alternative to windows
When I first started using Mint I had used nothing but DOS/Windows for the previous 20ish years (and mostly for gaming). I've now been using it for the past 3 years and while there have been some minor issues here and there (can say the same about every version of Windows I've used too, since Win3.1), overall it's been great so far and I've been very impressed by it. The differences in its day to day use are insignificant.

So yes, I find that it is a *very* good alternative to Windows.

triple_l: so instead of these initiatives that almost look like bribes, why not something much more ambitious like a new distro

not a new distro to add to the thousands already available but a breakthrough to finally put the linux technology to use for the good of end user worldwide specially those currently using windows

lets stop the monopoly that only developers and it administrators take advantage of the linux technology and finaly let end users also profit from it
The purpose of these giveaways is to bring attention to Linux and the thread I posted about it, and to encourage people to take a look if they're interested. Oh, and to support devs/publishers/projects that support Linux :)

As for a "new distro", from the requirements you have posted in previous threads it's clear that what you're after is something exactly like Windows 2k/XP, but free - and ReactOS is as close as you'll get to that.
vv221: I disagree with the "all user who don't play that many games" part ;)
Hey, even if you don’t want to mess around with WINE, there’s something like 400 Linux games on GOG only! And if you’re not allergic to DRM, there’s close to ten times that many Linux games on Steam.
Ritualisto: You are right. I should rewrite the sentence. The problem for me is to get the games running which I am interested in. Although there are many games for Linux not all games i like to play are running without trouble with Linux Mint. ;)
With that I can’t honestly disagree ;)
Since I’m using Linux only I don’t even know the games I’m missing, so that’s not a problem for me. But for a long time Windows user considering the switch it’s something to keep in mind.

EDIT: Actually I can remember at least two games that I loved to play on WIndows and never managed to run on Linux: Crimson Skies and the original TrackMania. On the other hand TrackMania doesn’t run on current Windows versions anyway, because of its shitty DRM…


triple_l: you clearly have the drive and the will but I can't believe you find the current linux state of the art good enough to be called a alternative to windows
adamhm: (…)
So yes, I find that it is a *very* good alternative to Windows.
Hey, I’d go as far as to say that for me Windows isn’t a viable alternative to Linux ;)
Post edited January 13, 2016 by vv221
I'm using Windows 7 on my PC, mostly because of the games....
I know lot of games available on Linux, but not all of them :P
Tbh I dont really like Windows. It hurts me often, but I can't live without it :( But I'm pretty sure I wont upgrade it to Win 10 in the near future.

However on my laptop I'm using Linux, I got it with Ubuntu. I'm just a linux noob, but it is perfectly fine for those things what I usually do on my laptop.

I would like to enter for these (sorted by interest):
Satellite Reign
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hard West Collector's Edition
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Victor Vran
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition

Thanks for the giveaway! +rep
Thank you for another very generous giveaway adamhm! ++

I'm quite happy with linux I've installed during the previous giveaway on my ancient netbook, though I'm not using it for video games..
Just a few weeks ago I did debian netinstall on a virtual machine with manual xorg installation, partitioning and that was a way easier than I expected to be honest. Took less than one hour (without graphic interface) to get the system work with everything I need and fully loaded takes about 100MB of RAM. (LXDE, ufw, Redshift, compton for terminal). Added to this medit, htop, iceweasel, and cried about countless hours I've spent to make windows work and look the way I wanted, at least partially..
Going debian as main OS on my main laptop before end of the month, have a few things to sort out on my HDD first.

Surely I am a cheeky bastard and I'm in again ; )
Satellite Reign
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
I've enjoyed my prize from your previous giveaway for about 188 hours (thank you one more time for that!) and will enjoy even more in the future for sure! So, put me at the end of the list : )
d8.png (259 Kb)
I'd like to be in for

Shadowrun Hong Kong
Rerto City Rampage DX
Trine 3
Train Fever + Stacking has been added to the prize list - thanks to Hummer010 for donating the key :)
Amazing giveaway adamhm! Please count me in for
Pillars of Eternity (have only heard awesome comments about this game and seeing as GOG introduced me to Baldur's Gate, I want to play its grandchild :) )
Shadowrun Hong Kong (finshed the original over the holiday break and it was much better than I expected it to be...well *almost* finished. COuldn't defeat the last encounter and ran out of time to keep trying before break was over.)
Victor Vran (enjoyed Van Helsing and this seems to be similar style)
Transistor (seems to be a good combination of the above 3 and also great word of mouth)

Appreciate the chance and good luck with your quest to champion Linux!
mike_cesara: Going debian as main OS on my main laptop before end of the month, have a few things to sort out on my HDD first.
I hope you’re going to like it as much as I do ;)
It’s been my main OS since ~2007, my only OS since ~2009, and my all-time favourite! The perfect blend between ease-of-use, stability and customizability…
mike_cesara: Going debian as main OS on my main laptop before end of the month, have a few things to sort out on my HDD first.
vv221: I hope you’re going to like it as much as I do ;)
It’s been my main OS since ~2007, my only OS since ~2009, and my all-time favourite! The perfect blend between ease-of-use, stability and customizability…
I'd say it's a love at first penetration ; )
vv221: EDIT: Actually I can remember at least two games that I loved to play on WIndows and never managed to run on Linux: Crimson Skies and the original TrackMania. On the other hand TrackMania doesn’t run on current Windows versions anyway, because of its shitty DRM…
regarding Trackmania
there is a fanmade patch that makes the game run on at least windows 7.
no idea if it removes the starforce protection or just makes it compatible with win7 and whether that helps with running Trackmania under wine.
i never tried it, since i rather stick to TrackmaniaUnited which includes the original environments and doesn't have all the fugly disc-based protection stuff.
it also runs under wine.
(or at least it did when I last tried it. it's been ages since I played this )
Now this is ironic.

I can't enter a giveaway because I don't have required reps.
And TORT1234 enters BECAUSE HE HAS A STAR...

Anyway thanks for giveaway.
immi101: (…)
I’ll give it a try soon.
Thanks for all the answers!

What are GUI-less Linux distros for?

Isn't it slower to go through all your folders to find stuff? And how would it display all the photos and images while looking through them without using some kind of software to display them?