J Lo: Sequels are typically regarded as inferior, and threequels are generally worse than either predecessor.
I think that's more of a rule in movie business, where franchises are milked to death. Some famous director makes a movie which is a huge success, then walks away to create something new and different. Because of the success some less famous director is tasked to make a sequel which is essentially "more of the same", because of the name it becomes a mild success, which again warrants a low-budget direct-to-video "threequel" by whatshisname...
Games work differently, although, of course stuff like that also happens, and milking of franchises is also a thing. But often sequels are by the same guys who made the original game, which gives them the opportunity and budget to finally implement all those ideas and features they had for the first game but couldn't implement due to time and money constraints, and also improve on the things that didn't work so well before - or generally go for bigger, better, more badass.
And with part 3 it really depends if they still have enough stuff to improve, new directions to go into, or if it's just a "we do it for the money" thing. And even with the latter - some series don't fare so badly with numerous re-iterations which update visuals and UI and not much more. The same game all over again with better graphics is still a "better" game for most people.