It's annoying and I really don't understand how or why it's there. I can check my wishlist anytime I want under the user menu like a sensible person, this is just trying to goad FOMO/compulsive shoppers into action.
mqstout: Hey, they also did post that they simultaneously fixed the perpetual purple notifications dot (which appears to be accurate).
I'm sure that'd be great for the five people who can still access myrecentposts; which isn't me.
My wishlist contains 21 items, and yet it appears to insist that I have 27[!], which would easily be a bust in Blackjack.
Let's see, according to the scrying of JSON queries, the games appear to be...
1074103799 - Battletech. Just the base game, which doesn't exist anymore.
1207659136 - Terminal Velocity Legacy, which was replaced.
1251226620 - One of the many editions of Myst; this must have been the flat/2D version.
1612076301 - House Flipper Pets DLC, which plum vanished.
1627353338 - Yooka-Laylee Pre-order, which why was this even a thing?
1676123628 - Cooking Simulator, which was apparently replaced by a void very quickly in a hurry.