It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Super annoying every time you open a page.

Well, if this persist, empty wishlish.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by argamasa
I don't see the point of this either. I don't need to know how many games I have wishlisted ...

Better idea would be to show only when there are games discounted similar to steam. You click - and it sort the games with these discounted games on top so you can see them and then it should disappear. Still people may get annoyed they have to load another page for it to be gone. On steam they have a small drop down menu that is enough to open for the notice to be gone.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by Hirako__
argamasa: Well, if this persist, empty wishlish.
Won't help. Mine is empty, insists i have 15.

If you have uBlock, you can block that specific element instead.

Add to 'My filters'
! 2023-12-06
If GOG is collecting feedback, I'd suggest to either remove the coloring from the number or make it track only discounted items (and make it possible to dismiss the notification). It's attention-grabbing, but of course it doesn't give information we didn't have before, so it's just a distraction.

If possible, make sure the wishlist tracks everything correctly: according to the site, I had 22 items on my wishlist page, 27 items according to the icon, and I actually had 21 items when counting the entries manually (I since used the workaround another user posted, to remove invisible items from my wishlist and fix this issue). At the very least, this should be consistent, if it's too difficult to make 100% accurate.
truhlik: Might be better instead of all wishlisted games number (what is even wrong number in my case) show only number of currently discounted titles
Agreed, working like that and minus the ping past first page load it would actually be useful
high rated
For me, this icon is currently placing an extremely annoying neon orange color next to my empty Wishlist, with the number "1" in the middle of it.

Then when I click on that, a new page on GOG comes up which tells me that my Wishlist is Empty, and I should search for games to put on it.

And the extremely annoying neon icon doesn't go away, it just stays there, apparently permanently.

This is like the old purple dot problem (which I still have too) all over again, but 1000x worse.

What is this, a new kind of coercion sales strategy?!; is GOG trying to annoy customers into adding games onto their Wishlist? Sure seems that way, based on the things I've just described in this post.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
Ancient-Red-Dragon: (...)
What is this, a new kind of coercion sales strategy?!; is GOG trying to annoy customers into adding games onto their Wishlist? Sure seems that way, based on the things I've just described in this post.
Rather doubt that - mine shows 39 despite my whishlist only counting 25 entries. I have considered clearing it and adding things anew, but seeing that it shows some entries for people that have the wishlist entirely empty... well...
Clownski_: All feedback's being noted! We're still testing some stuff and will be working on improving the feature.
00063: Maybe there should just be an off button!
mdqp: make it possible to dismiss the notification
I really don't need that (incorrect) extra info on top of my screen, since I already have that (correct) info in the drop down menu, but if it's here to stay, I agree with these two: add another entry to our settings menu, which allows us to disable that function.

Options are fine by me, and always welcomed...unwelcomed and unnecessary changes which are forced unto me, not so much.
Time4Tea: I'm not sure how practically useful the new button is, but it's nice to at least see GOG doing something to change/update the site beyond just the front page.
I'd be actually more happy if they fixed the existing stuff, but yes, I agree. At least they are doing something.

As a new feature I'd like to see checkboxes in the card, so I can postpone some aquisitions without having to remove the item from the cart, Amazon has a feature like this.

BreOl72: ... but if it's here to stay, I agree with these two: add another entry to our settings menu, which allows us to disable that function.
That'd be nice, same for the friends button. I don't use either.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by neumi5694
On each page load, the new icon randomly says either "99+" or "37". Neither makes much sense.

I've got 279 titles in my wishlist (which I use very loosely as a bookmarking tool).
Of those titles 33 are currently discounted.

And yes, as others have mentioned a few million times already, the "discounted" filter is broken. Even more so than before. It now picks out 66 titles of which only 14 (!) titles are actually discounted right now. Duh!
Post edited December 06, 2023 by g2222
99+ BUY THEM NOW!!!!
At least that is my interpretation.
Either this addition gets removed or I'll have to empty my wishlist. :/
Post edited December 06, 2023 by NuffCatnip
Clownski_: All feedback's being noted! We're still testing some stuff and will be working on improving the feature.
How about replacing the link with a link to the store with "only show games on my wishlist" and maybe "only show discounted" pre selected? That would actually show us what we expect to see when clicking the icon.
WinterSnowfall: If only it worked without issues... on GOG's main page I am getting a bogus number, although in other sections of the site, including the forums, it seems to do its job properly.

I guess it's an incentive for people to check out their wishlists more often, which might help with sales? Seems odd they'd invest time in it otherwise.
Heh. The numbers aren't even accurate.
So constantly having a badge up there in a high-contrast, "pay attention to me" color saying 99+ will be a sure fire way to make me endeavor to clear my wishlist.
high rated
It's bad enough that it looks like an unchecked message, but does it really need to 'ping' on every page view?

Definitely going to use a script to hide this great new feature.