falster: I really don't know the rules anymore
Links: First and only rule: don't be a d*** if you don't want to be treated like one.
Number of posts since he said was done with this: 6
Links: Take a hike troll
Cadaver747: I think the answer you want to get is this: Cyberpunk 2077 already have 5 starts, it comes first in Upcoming section of games, it tries to be the first in Wishlist if sorted by users reviews which are nonexistent (in my case it's comes in 6th place)
Links: Exactly.
Sachys: My God!
Its full of stars!
Links: Lulz
Tallima: All in all, I think it was a matter of perceived tone. Perhaps not full on projection.
Links: Yeah, you're probably right.
The guy thought I was taking a snipe at GOG, when I was just making a "look at this funny s***" post. But did not change his tone when he realized was in the wrong and instead kept on trucking. I just keep up with the BS of people like that on purpose: it's hilarious to see them backpedal like crazy when you take the rational approach instead of bursting out like the Hulk.
I remained civil throughout but now youre just being a little crybaby bitch. so fuck it
youre a little soy boy beta cuck who tries to create a narrative to serve their means, and just couldn't leave things be "WAAAAH ITS MY THREAD WAAAAH"