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Hi guys, in case you didn't know Chaotic Fusion is remaking Tex Murphy: Overseer, renaming it The Poisoned Dawn.
Game and developer info is available here.

I just want to make people aware of a survey they're asking people to fill in on their website.
It's not often we get the opportunity as gamers to give developers feedback on what we want from a game they are currently making. So I think it's great they are doing this.

The survey can be reached through the link above, or directly here.

My apologies if this has already been posted here.
Post edited October 02, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
Ricky_Bobby: Hi guys, in case you didn't know Chaotic Fusion is remaking Tex Murphy: Overseer, renaming it The Poisoned Dawn.
Game and developer info is available here.

I just want to make people aware of a survey they're asking people to fill in on their website.
It's not often we get the opportunity as gamers to give developers feedback on what we want from a game they are currently making. So I think it's great they are doing this.

The survey can be reached through the link above, or directly here.

My apologies if this has already been posted here.
Awesome survey, it took awhile to do, but the questions were interesting so I enjoyed it. Thanks for posting it.
Ricky_Bobby: Hi guys, in case you didn't know Chaotic Fusion is remaking Tex Murphy: Overseer, renaming it The Poisoned Dawn.
Game and developer info is available here.

I just want to make people aware of a survey they're asking people to fill in on their website.
It's not often we get the opportunity as gamers to give developers feedback on what we want from a game they are currently making. So I think it's great they are doing this.

The survey can be reached through the link above, or directly here.

My apologies if this has already been posted here.
llamas: Awesome survey, it took awhile to do, but the questions were interesting so I enjoyed it. Thanks for posting it.
No worries, thanks for doing the survey. It's one of my favourite franchises so I'm glad to get involved, even if it's simply by making people aware of the game. I just hope it will be released on GOG as well.
They're remaking Overseer? So this will be the 3rd time they've remade Mean Streets...?
Would prefer a new game personally...
Post edited October 03, 2016 by Bigs
I found out about this remake about 2 weeks ago while googling around to see if there were any plans going on for a sequel to Tesla Effect as it has been radio silence since the game came out (for me anyway). Chris Jones is crucial to Tex Murphy IMHO, so hopefully he is on board, and hopefully any other recurring characters are brought back as well. If all the actors are played by "fan" actors I don't think the game would have remotely the same impact.

I had a look at their survey, and as much as I would like to fill it out sadly I don't think my input would be too valuable at this stage despite being a huge fan of the series. Reason being is that have only played Under a Killing Moon and solved it, and Pandora Directive about 80% through - both in the year each game was released. I have tried out Tesla Effect as a trial run twice since it came out and am excited to play it through some day, however I have wanted to play through the entire series in-order rather than playing Tesla Effect right away so I have put it on hold for some time now. I don't think I could answer their survey nearly accurately enough without playing all of the games through, or at least Tesla Effect and by the time I've done either - even if I were to start playing Tesla Effect tomorrow - the survey will probably end before I could get an objective opinion together on all of the questions. :o/

As Bigs said above, I'd prefer a whole new sequel personally - assuming Tesla Effect ends in a way that does not preclude there being a sequel (no spoilers please). However, any well done Tex Murphy game would be welcome even a remake. I do find it strange that they're remaking Overseer however considering it was itself a remake (and I've not yet played either of those).

I'll keep an open mind about it though. It would be nice to see the franchise continue and even do something wild and new like embracing VR for example. I remember when I played UAKM back in the day how I was blown away by it in many ways as being somewhat revolutionary with technology. Will have to wait and see though...
Hi folks,

Firstly thanks for sharing the survey. I am one of The Poisoned Pawn's development members. So far we have had an amazing response to our survey, and as Ricky_Bobby said, it helps us get a better understanding about what fans want, and their general thoughts about Tex Murphy, and the genre at large. We may not be able to address everybody's requests from the survey, but we are certainly aiming to do our best!

A few notes about the game to clear things up:

We have the full blessing of Big Finish Games to produce this title (I was one of the lead members of the Tesla Effect team as well, so you have that connection here already).

Chris Jones has agreed to assist by contributing additional content to the story to expand upon it quite a bit. This means that he will indeed be involved, and have a role in this remake / remaster.

The reasons we chose to remake Overseer are: A) it is the most difficult to get running well on modern PCs, and many versions have issues, so we wanted to overcome this. - B) because the original Overseer was a quick turnaround when it came out in 1998, there was a LOT of the story that got missed, which we are adding back in to this version.

As such: series writer Aaron Conners has agreed to assist in expanding the story of this remake to encompass more than just the original Overseer story. So to address Bigs' concern - this is NOT just a Mean Streets / Overseer remake. You are technically getting the best of both worlds, though: a remake of Overseer which has also been significantly expanded upon to act like a continuation of the Tex Murphy storyline with new elements, locations, characters and story.

Please note that the game is still in pre-Aplha at the moment, but we are making great progress with it, so any of this above information is based upon our goals, and may be subject to change.

What we can tell you is: the game will feature a significant visual and graphical overhaul (built from scratch) that takes full advantage of the techniques present in latest versions of the Unity engine. The original Overseer video will be remastered to HD. There will be all new FMV footage, which we are aiming to get into the game at 4K. We are also aiming to make it a full VR experience too.

Thanks for popping in, and be sure to check out the website Rocky_Bobby posted, or follow our Twtitter for progress: ChaoticFusionTM
ChronoWolf: Hi folks
Good luck, I'm looking forward to it.
It's the only one I haven't finished because of the technical issues and the interface.
ChronoWolf: ...
What we can tell you is: the game will feature a significant visual and graphical overhaul (built from scratch) that takes full advantage of the techniques present in latest versions of the Unity engine. The original Overseer video will be remastered to HD. There will be all new FMV footage, which we are aiming to get into the game at 4K. We are also aiming to make it a full VR experience too.

Thanks for popping in, and be sure to check out the website Rocky_Bobby posted, or follow our Twtitter for progress: ChaoticFusionTM
Sounds very cool overall. A Tex Murphy experience for HTC Vive would definitely get me excited and weigh in heavily towards me getting the hardware sooner than later. I'm interested in the Vive but there needs to be enough games I'm interested in using the hardware before I'll buy one. So far there are only 3 or 4 games out that I care about that use it. Tex Murphy VR would be totally next-level.
Ricky_Bobby: I just hope it will be released on GOG as well.
Well, being a member of GOGs Twitch stream team; it's only natural that I am going to consider as our home base for this game! This community is amazing! :)
ChronoWolf: Hi folks,

Firstly thanks for sharing the survey. I am one of The Poisoned Pawn's development members. So far we have had an amazing response to our survey, and as Ricky_Bobby said, it helps us get a better understanding about what fans want, and their general thoughts about Tex Murphy, and the genre at large. We may not be able to address everybody's requests from the survey, but we are certainly aiming to do our best!

Wow, cool. The idea of a regular re-make sounded good but to hear that it will be it's own game sounds even better.

We need VR games that are more traditional, i.e. with more substantial content, and a Tex Murphy game would bring that.

I'm really looking forward to this, I feel like replaying all the previous games to prepare for the new one.
Post edited October 05, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
Ricky_Bobby: Wow, cool. The idea of a regular re-make sounded good but to hear that it will be it's own game sounds even better.

We need VR games that are more traditional, i.e. with more substantial content, and a Tex Murphy game would bring that.

I'm really looking forward to this, I feel like replaying all the previous games to prepare for the new one.
Yeah, most of the VR games I've seen any mention/coverage of so far to date have this unmistakeable "OMG HOLY SHIT LOOK!! IT'S VR!!!" angle to them. Like you might have fun doing some new thing you've never experienced before for an hour or day or whatever and then the novelty wears off and you're wishing you had something with more depth to it than "virtual pet your dog simulator" or "virtual paint the wall simulator" etc.

There are extremely few of what I'd call "real game" games that have incorporated VR rather than VR being some kind of gimmick experience. A Tex Murphy game very well could totally be that sort of real VR game. The only VR titles that exist or are in development that have piqued my interest so far to date are:

- Fallout 4
- Star Citizen
- Tex Murphy potential sequels :)

Might be a few more but those were the only ones that popped into my mind. Of the 4 listed, Star Citizen and a Tex Murphy game sound the most interesting use of VR to me personally.
skeletonbow: ...

There are extremely few of what I'd call "real game" games that have incorporated VR rather than VR being some kind of gimmick experience. A Tex Murphy game very well could totally be that sort of real VR game. The only VR titles that exist or are in development that have piqued my interest so far to date are:

- Fallout 4
- Star Citizen
- Tex Murphy potential sequels :)

Might be a few more but those were the only ones that popped into my mind. Of the 4 listed, Star Citizen and a Tex Murphy game sound the most interesting use of VR to me personally.
Oh, Doom and Fallout 4 will be in VR ? cool, did not know that. Star Citizen I was aware off.
Doom in VR would be quite stressful though, he.

My list of potentially fun VR games, apart from those you already mentioned:
- Project Cars - World Rally Championship 6 - Elite Dangerous - DriveClub - Gran Turismo Sport
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 & American Truck Simulator - Alien Isolation - Dying Light - Subnautica

I think Half-life 2 was coming to VR as well.

Since some VR games are specific to a certain VR-system, you would really have to think about which games you want to play in VR. On the other hand, by the time I can afford a VR system there should be even more proper games around, and hopefully some more multi-system games.

A funny observation is that none of us have mentioned any VR-exclusive games. Some of them do seem fun, interesting and cool, like the Deep and Paranormal Activity, but I would still not pay more than a few bucks for them.
Post edited October 07, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
Ricky_Bobby: Oh, Doom and Fallout 4 will be in VR ? cool, did not know that. Star Citizen I was aware off.
Doom in VR would be quite stressful though, he.

Ricky_Bobby: Since some VR games are specific to a certain VR-system, you would really have to think about which games you want to play in VR. On the other hand, by the time I can afford a VR system there should be even more proper games around, and hopefully some more multi-system games.

A funny observation is that none of us have mentioned any VR-exclusive games. Some of them do seem fun, interesting and cool, like the Deep and Paranormal Activity, but I would still not pay more than a few bucks for them.
I'm quite excited about what VR holds for the future of gaming personally, and I think that they've solved the major problems that have plagued previous VR solutions over time for the most part. Now the biggest problems VR has to solve before I buy into it fully, is that for starters the hardware is just far too expensive on its own, but in particular when you combine it with the necessary PC upgrade(s) that are needed to utilize it fully as well as the demand that a specific game might put on the system even without VR. Also, the VR companies really need to get together and standardize on one single vendor-neutral API to use for all of the various VR hardware.

As it stands right now, all of the games coming out tend to support either the HTC Vive or the Oculus but most do not seem to support both, and the HTC has about 2-3 times as many games available for it IIRC than the Oculus does. It's a tough cookie to swallow to fork out the cash for one of these expensive VR headsets plus PC upgrades, let alone the potential necessity to buy both of them if one wants to play the best titles available out there if games are going to split their support between the two units. I'm not hip to pay top dollar to be a consumer stuck in another Beta vs. VHS or HDDVD vs. Bluray war personally.

I think the reason people probably haven't mentioned VR-exclusive games is that they largely seem to be demo-ware or similar tech demo type "look what you can do" type stuff. The problem is that currently only a very small fraction of people have bought a VR solution. According to Steam's stats it is around 2% of Steam gamers. Personally I find it rather far fetched to believe that that many people have bought one of the VR headsets, but that's just me. So the question is, what kind of game company is willing to spend a massive amount of money, time, and other resources to invest in a VR-exclusive game, thereby limiting their maximum number of customers to the grand total number of VR headset owners out there which is 1-2% allegedly? I mean, every single owner is not going to buy every single game that comes out, so lets say only 1 in 10 people buys a given VR exclusive game - and that is very generous, the real number is likely going to be 1 in 100 or less... but anyway, if 1 in 10 people buy such a game and we say that 2% of gamers have the hardware, that's only a maximum market size of 0.2% of all gamers.

So I can't see many companies making any non-trivial VR-exclusive games unless they have deep pockets or long term investors with deep pockets ready and willing to burn millions until VR hits the sweet "caught on" spot in order to see a return on investment for the resources sunk into the product. Making a game compatible with or without VR opens a game company up to 100% of the market rather than 2%, so if they were to get 10% of gamers they'd end up getting 10% of the market than 0.2%. Big revenue difference there, which translates to a bigger ROI.

Even DOOM and Fallout 4 were stated to have experimental VR support, but whether they make the entire games support it is unclear yet as they're "waiting to see if people really want that" which is their marketing way of saying "We're waiting to see if enough people buy VR hardware and also buy our game in order to determine if the cost put into VR will be recovered from increased sales and then provide a healthy ROI on top of that.

So it's cool this stuff is happening, but for me it's more "this stuff looks cool, if it is still around in 5 years and costs something reasonable and we're not embroiled in and A versus B hardware war in terms of compatibility and support, then I'll think of buying one maybe possibly". :)

That of course is greatly affected by whenever a Tex Murphy game comes out with VR support, in which case everyone is going to go buy VR immediately! Chandler Ave VR!
Post edited October 07, 2016 by skeletonbow