NuffCatnip: Do we get a refund if we purchased the final season of The Wwalking Dead?
Bloodygoodgames: Wouldn't think so. Or expect it.
Telltale is basically in bankruptcy. The scumbags running the company haven't even paid their staff what they properly owe them, so wouldn't imagine anyone will be getting refunds.
And it's certainly not GOG's fault. So they shouldn't have to lose money on the deal.
That is just the risk you take when you buy episodic games. Just one of the many reasons why I never buy them.
same here, no eps for me , only games that are complete and do not need more parts
Shouldnt this be front page news on GOG ? this is important .... i noticed a Dutch page, imagine that, had to read this news on a Dutch page, i seldom visit pages <> english cause its mostly boring and all the so called ' reality news' will be shown on the Dutch NPO channels ( which almost no one watches cause they are quite boring and dull)
check this English news:
which i had to Google for cause i get to see local ( Dutch) news first ( because of the ip location ofcourse :D
Anyway, Steam pulls the games .... unless they covered their big huge large behinds, they ought to refund the games.... but they probably have huge disclaimers telling gamers they only have one right which is to be silent and pay. Games that have to be pulled.... on Steam .... i assume GOG and others will alos have to pull them ?
Is/are there a / any topic(s), official new on GOG ? fornt page or so, or any place where users can see it?
I bought the wolf game at 5 euros because everyoine was so happy with it, i tried the game and i hid it, imho the game is meh, so i dont mind if they pull the game, and do not refund.