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Maighstir: Hopefully Sam & Max and Monkey Island get loving homes.
Knowing our luck, probably gonna be Disney.
If it's true, I'm sad. I like their games and I was looking forward to The Wolf Among Us 2.
Sam & Max is owned by Steve Purcell. Monkey Island is owned by Disney.

The Batman and Wolf Among Us games will probably be published by WB Interactive now.
Post edited September 21, 2018 by Foxhack
Would have been cool to get a telltale games Metal Gear Solid series. but I was upset with the Ip's they worked on and could have done way better with more popular games like what I mentioned and Silent hill or something.

Hope well to all those workers and hope someone takes them in.
Foxhack: Sam & Max is owned by Steve Purcell. Monkey Island is owned by Disney.

The Batman and Wolf Among Us games will probably be published by WB Interactive now.

And Jellyvision gets screwed by a publisher again...
They will all be owned by Disney. Disney is a giant blob monster that will never stop eating everything in sight.
Foxhack: Sam & Max is owned by Steve Purcell. Monkey Island is owned by Disney.

The Batman and Wolf Among Us games will probably be published by WB Interactive now.

And Jellyvision gets screwed by a publisher again...
Awesomov: They will all be owned by Disney. Disney is a giant blob monster that will never stop eating everything in sight.
Except for Jellyvision, they got their own thing going now. Telltale only published the game on consoles.
Awesomov: They will all be owned by Disney. Disney is a giant blob monster that will never stop eating everything in sight.
Foxhack: Except for Jellyvision, they got their own thing going now. Telltale only published the game on consoles.
They'll only be alright as long as they know that Disney is weak to cold and can continue to afford things like liquid nitrogen.
Just gonna leave my thoughts on this right here:

I hope their employees land on their feet elsewhere, but damn, what Telltale was doing was obviously unsustainable.
Well that sucks. I like Telltale games. The Wolf Among Us was amazing and I was looking forward to the second one. Batman was good too.

Now I have to worry about being able to finish my collection before the off chance they are pulled from GOG. Sigh. I still need to buy Minecraft Season 2, Batman Season 2 and one of the Walking Dead games.
Post edited September 22, 2018 by user deleted
high rated
Linko90: I understand a dislike towards their products, but you're celebrating people losing their jobs. Come on now :P
paladin181: It might seems harsh, but when people do a bad job, they should be fired. A job isn't a right or an entitlement, You have to earn it. At least you should have to earn it. If I did a shitty job at my current employment, I would be looking for another one because my services would not be retained. I'm not saying everyone at Telltale did a shitty job, but the overall product was shit.
"People in charge made poor creative decisions" (and that's a highly subjective opinion) does not equal "everyone working there deserves to lose their job".
Exulting over other people's misfortune is tasteless and petty.

(I made a new thread so this thread can die so that users wont have to read through this thread just to find the truth)
Post edited September 22, 2018 by sojuicysweet
sojuicysweet: snip
Unfortunately, that's not correct

Telltale Games official response:
Post edited September 22, 2018 by opticq
Foxhack: Sam & Max is owned by Steve Purcell. Monkey Island is owned by Disney.

The Batman and Wolf Among Us games will probably be published by WB Interactive now.
I know Purcell owns his IP, I'm just annoyed the bloke hasn't seen fit to work with someone on having new games made after his stint with TellTale.
paladin181: It might seems harsh, but when people do a bad job, they should be fired. A job isn't a right or an entitlement, You have to earn it. At least you should have to earn it. If I did a shitty job at my current employment, I would be looking for another one because my services would not be retained. I'm not saying everyone at Telltale did a shitty job, but the overall product was shit.
HunchBluntley: "People in charge made poor creative decisions" (and that's a highly subjective opinion) does not equal "everyone working there deserves to lose their job".
Exulting over other people's misfortune is tasteless and petty.
You're right. It's pretty tasteless. There's a term for that, Schadenfreude. I personally don't know why I do that some times. I'm just glad that the shovelware from them will stop. I haven't liked a single game they put out since the Poker Night at the Inventory games.
On a semi-related note... does anyone have a spare Wallace and Gromit key they'd be willing to trade? I get the feeling my disc copy will become useless in the near future...