Starkrun: everything from tech to what you ate for dinner and even the last time you saw a movie is talked about in general...
only rules are if you ask (post) a question you really need to mark a reply as the answer, that helps other so much!
Thank you sir/mam,
I didn't want to ever get in trouble if I post a computer related question.
Had such a bad past with terrible steam moderators.
ThePathOfBlood: Is there one, I can't seem to see it.
If there isn't can there be one please?
Where people can post there pc specs, or so on so forth
OR talk about computer upgrades and other technical stuff.
GR00T: If it's a game-specific issue you're having, then the game subforums are the place for those. If it's just general tech talk/issues, then this is the place.
Same as Starkrun.
Thank you sir/mam,
I now know where post any question.