It's great to see so many animal lovers here :)
I have 2 dogs called Spock and Kirk, they are half Husky and half Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Named cos of the last movie that was released about the time they were born and cos Spock has one ear that stands up Vulcan-like. Spock is the one that hangs back and assess the situation, Kirk is the outgoing one, he always heads off in front while we walk, kinda ranging about (away team lol), he is also the bolshie one, so they kinda mirror their TV namesakes :)
Cyraxpt: 21 years? That's impressive for a cat. Anyway, i understand your feelings, my dog died last week (monday), he was with us for seven years (and he was probably 1 or 2 years old when we brought him to our house). I don't know, it was surreal, one day he was happy jumping to my arms (he was a medium sized dog, not a small one) trying to get my attention and in the next day he was a stiff body. I don't know if this will make sense but i wasn't sad, it affect me for the rest of the day (in the sense "i can't believe he's really gone") but eventually i just accepted and moved on.
The hard part was touching his dead body, not in disgust but because it was something that was alive with emotions and now it was just a little lifeless body...
That's is very sad, when you have had a companion for so long to lose them like that. My last dogs (Fiach and Dara) dies at 17 and I felt exactly the same way about touching them :(