Memo to T1G1 agents,
By the way, since
<span class="bold">"the list"</span> as it is, lets you view the entries ordered by name, those who update it shouldn´t worry about the position where the entry is put, just
"add" it and it will appear at the end.
More so, a new entry should occupy the place of the game that was taken on its place, so for that instance just use
"edit" next to the name of the game you are taking and fill in the game you are leaving. If you leave more than one, the rest just add them with the add button.
Failure to comply with the aforementioned, will make the gognomes rage, unleashing fury and chaos all over the thread, and maybe, even a tantrum......................OR.................some say they´d even drop............................Keane 2 .
Xoxo H.A.R.M. HQ
P.S.: Do not upset the gognomes! ;P
LoboBlanco: I´d take
"Dracula 4" and would leave
"Kairo" (Steam).
lugum: I will send you Dracula 4 later today.
"Kairo" (Steam) is up.