Venhiem: Guys, I offered Grave Digger (Desura) but no one seems to want it. Should I let it be or pull it from here and give it away in Ninja thread?
First, if it hasn't been updated on the list, no one will take it.
Second, you offered it up just yesterday...
Most people are waiting at least two weeks if not more.
I pulled two games, yes, but both of them were:
1) Almost 3 weeks old.
2) Had other copies of the same game up for grabs and
3) Were the oldest of the same game offered.
My suggestion for you is to:
1) Update the list adding your game to it!
2) Wait a few weeks at least.
3) Only pull it if another copy of the same game is up there and yours is the oldest.
You have already come off as greedy in various posts. I sure hope your plan wasn't to take a game, "accidentally forget to update the list", then pull it to get a free game. Besides, if you are so worried about people taking your game quickly, why did you choose to offer up a game that was already on the list?