Posted December 08, 2015

life is a potato
Registered: Dec 2013
From Malaysia

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Watch Pignorant!
Registered: May 2014
From Portugal
Posted December 08, 2015
That's awesome and super exciting but I wish they focused 100% on Underworld Ascendant first, otherwise they might end up rushing both games. :'(

GFN / VR / Switch!
Registered: Oct 2010
From Other
Posted December 08, 2015
I hope they add an option to turn off infinite respawns.

cdpr red & gog = a fraud, liars, russophobs...
Registered: Jul 2012
From Cuba

Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted December 08, 2015
Otherside is perfect for this. They are Looking Glass, after all (for the most part). Already backed UA. REALLY hope this is true.
Otherside is perfect for this. They are Looking Glass, after all (for the most part). Already backed UA. REALLY hope this is true.

New User
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted December 09, 2015

"Tommy, lover... don't you like my new look?"
"It's... it's fine."
"What do you mean it's fine?!"
"It's, you know, a good look."
"No, you don't like it!"
"Well, it's very 80's hair band, that's not really my th-"
"You don't love me any more!"
Rebeca then spends the rest of the trip to Earth, alternatively sobbing while calling her mom, and planning to turn humans into cyborg/mutant hybrids while eating chocolate ice-cream.
There, now we don't need System Shock 2 afterall!*
*We do because we need more games like Underworld, Wasteland 2, Deus Ex, and Thief, but I'm fine with my resolution above to the plot of SS2.
Post edited December 09, 2015 by shadowknight2814

Le ciel est gris
Registered: May 2012
From Estonia
Posted December 09, 2015
Don't forget to salt the fries!

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted December 09, 2015

Otherside is perfect for this. They are Looking Glass, after all (for the most part). Already backed UA. REALLY hope this is true.
I loved System Shock 2 so much, I knew that SHODAN was bad but still I hoped that she will accept me as her trusty "insect" without lobotomizing my brain. I loved her so much... what a bitch... my character shot her without asking MY opinion, damn! ;)))
Post edited December 09, 2015 by Cadaver747

Le ciel est gris
Registered: May 2012
From Estonia
Posted December 10, 2015
Nope, there are a lot more, like Chris Siegel and Robb Waters (concept artist on SS) and Austin Grossman (writer of SS), etc. Plus they are working with Terri Brosius (SHODAN) and Stephen Russell (Diego, XERXES, The Many).
Post edited December 10, 2015 by Mrstarker

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted December 10, 2015

Le ciel est gris
Registered: May 2012
From Estonia
Posted December 10, 2015
Eric is in still Harmonix AFAIK. He might not be available for contract work, but you never know. Also, Doug Church is toiling away in Valve's mines.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by Mrstarker

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted December 10, 2015

Too bad as he was one of SS2 director's. Only if he decides to leave Valve which I doubt since Otherside Studios is a small company, and all rights to System Shock belongs to even smaller Night Dive Studios.
As for the Eric the probability of him working part time on SS3 project is not that low: Harmonix is an independent company specialized in music games, they probably have more common sense than Activision/EA/Valve altogether ;)
Eric's experience would be much appreciated since he created immersive atmosphere in Thief/SS2 games.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by Cadaver747

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted December 11, 2015

IOW, my expectations are dampened by the following possibilities:
* It's going to require a day-one mega-patch or it won't even play "out of the box"
* It's going to REQUIRE somebody's fuck-ass client to either or both download that patch and/or just to play it at all
* It's going to be built for DLC's - and thus have:
* a Season Pass
* It's going to suffer from "consolitis"
* It's going to have stupid "gratuitous' crap in it - just because. (Stuff like out-of-place or over-the-top 'sex'; lot's of cursing, etc)
* It will not be moddable nor come with an editor (or have one available separately)
I know it's a cynical view - but that is a view that has developed due to 'how they do things these days'.
So.. I hope I'm wrong about at least some of the above (and, ideally, all of it); but I guess we'll just have to wait and see..
The good news (GREAT NEWS) is - SYSTEM SHOCK 3 !!!111