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In light of the Russian military invasion in our neighboring country of Ukraine, until further notice, we made the decision to halt all sales in Russia and Belarus.

Effective March 3rd, 2022, we suspend sales of all games distributed on the GOG platform on the territories of Russia and Belarus. While buying products on GOG is not possible, users from the affected territories can still log in to their accounts and keep access to purchased items.

The entire CD PROJEKT Group stands firm with the people of Ukraine. While we are not a political entity capable of directly influencing state matters, and don’t aspire to be one, we do believe that commercial entities, when united, have the power to inspire global change in the hearts and minds of ordinary people. We know that players in Russia and Belarus, individuals who have nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine, will be impacted by this decision, but with this action we wish to further galvanize the global community to speak about what is going on in the heart of Europe.
low rated
Reaper9988: Ahh here comes the cool aid.
Malvictis: Kindly fuck off.
Hey you started with the bullshit.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by Reaper9988
Well, you have made your decision, GOG. Some notes:

1. Why Belorussian games are banned too? Their army doesn't participate in Ukraine. What they did wrong?!

2. Who it will be next time? Maybe German government will make a wrong move in the next year and everyone will start banning Germans from their stores? If it is possible against Russia and Belorussia - next time it can be done to anyone.

3. Do you really think this will make gamers stand against our president? Really? After all troubles with Steam and GOG, I see totally opposite picture. Russian games start to unite around government because in their eyes western companies discriminate them.

4. In general, Russian market was making nice percent of profits. Right now Russian starting to revert back to piracy and even when dust settles and stores will remove restrictions - games will still be very, very, VERY careful and it will be almost impossible to make them buy games again. If we was discriminated once - it can happen again.

5. How banning Russian gamers from games should help Ukraine at all? Do you really think that if some guy, instead of playing games will enlist in army - it somehow will make life easier for Ukrainian soldiers? I think this will make things completely opposite.

Overall, GOG just shot themselves in the leg. And no, I won't be supporting GOG anymore. They didn't protested when USA attacked Iraq under false accusations of WMD, when Ukrainian forces shelled civilians in Donbass region for 8 years (I live near Ukrainian border so I know too well what happened there).

But everyone should remember: at some point, you might be next. Stores and companies is clearly too political now. GOG made their decision and I have made mine: I will stand with my country, my army and my government. And games... Well... It doesn't matter all that much now.
low rated
TheCleaner517: GoG..... just going to say this. I'm American and live in the U.S. Sanctions and virtue signaling
As an American, you are welcome to talk about what is and what is not virtue signalling when it's your neighbours who are being killed and your other neighbours who are doing the klling.
low rated
Malvictis: GOG, you are hypocrites of the highest caliber.

You did not take a stance against people in the Donbass region being shelled for 8 fucking years,
Zeewolf: The people of the Donbas region were being shelled from the Russian-controlled side, which was about 1/3 of the region. The Russians were always the aggerssors there, they organised a fake revolt and moved in with military units, they even shot down a dutch passenger plane full of civilians, remember that?
Sure... so let me get this straight, the Russians have been attacking their own all this time, right? Because the MSM told you, right? GTFO
Why discriminate Russian Users that has nothing to do with the war? There are many Russians here, members of the community that help all the time and never did nothing wrong, they are civilians! You are hurting and dividing our community and that is no cool GOG! Innocents never should be punished!
Post edited March 03, 2022 by Reaper9988
Andrey82: 2. Who it will be next time? Maybe German government will make a wrong move in the next year and everyone will start banning Germans from their stores? If it is possible against Russia and Belorussia - next time it can be done to anyone.
If Germany fucks up in such a fundamental way that the UN general assembly passes a resolution against a war of aggression at 141 to 5, I certainly hope so.
If anyone really cares about what's going on in Ukraine, volunteer or donate money. That will actually help.

As for GOG suspending sales of GAMES? I mean, I love games, but -- does it really matter? People are getting killed. I think that trumps inconvenience...
I love you GOG. No, really: you are the only reason why I still play (and buy) games. But now... YO-HO-HO. YAAAAAHRRR!!!! ;))
low rated
Ueber: Just a reminder, that this "decision" isn't a real decision.
As the Swift-ban is still in force and the Ruble unstable as hell, GOG would not even be able to maintain business in Russia, even if they like to.
Well if you think about it, with a VPN people need to pay in something else then Rubles and also the Vat is not going to Russia.

Hypothetical that is pretty positive, realistically the average Russian can probably not pay say EU prices, the Vat amount should be pretty irrelevant and most Russians won't have a bank account outside of yeah.

Side note, I can see this thread is gonna go places......winks at GoG Moderators.
TheCleaner517: GoG..... just going to say this. I'm American and live in the U.S. Sanctions and virtue signaling from irrelevant companies, yes you in this regard, do nothing but hurt the civilian. Why do the people of Russia, who actually hate this war, have to be punished? Of course, the people there have much more to be concerned about than buying anime trash porn and bland indies such as food and medicine.

But this literally won't stop Putin. He isn't going to say, "Well damn, GoG sanctioned me and I can't buy anime trash porn games. Call off the invasion!"

Seriously, some Russians, I bet just want to play games and sit at home and not be bothered.
Its a war and people are dying. It's a dire situation and probably the worst kind of situation we can inflict our ourselves as a species. We're a far cry from more mundane political concerns here.

Given that GOG is in Poland, they are also more heavily impacted by the situation (given their geographical position) then if they were further West.

If I was in their situation, I'd do the exact same thing.

I genuinely believe that most Russians are not for invading Ukraine, but their head of state is doing that unfortunately. Its a shame that the two can't be cleanly separated, but it is what it is.

David9855: Notice GOG didn't have a problem banning things for China. Sanctimonious is a word that comes to mind.
It's easy to talk smack when you are halfway across the world. Their next door neighbour just go invaded.

Terrifying stuff. Completely understandable reaction.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by Magnitus
How can we protect protesters with "no war" signs, from detention and what would Jesus say?
Post edited March 03, 2022 by user deleted
Do not forget to remove the Russian language from the site and in their games!
Andrey82: 2. Who it will be next time? Maybe German government will make a wrong move in the next year and everyone will start banning Germans from their stores? If it is possible against Russia and Belorussia - next time it can be done to anyone.
BitMaster_1980: If Germany fucks up in such a fundamental way that the UN general assembly passes a resolution against a war of aggression at 141 to 5, I certainly hope so.
Who said that it should be in such, like you said, "fundamental way" to get banned from store? Where I can read rules?
arugulaKhan: If anyone really cares about what's going on in Ukraine, volunteer or donate money. That will actually help.
This, there is various ways you can donate or buy ukrainian things.