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In light of the Russian military invasion in our neighboring country of Ukraine, until further notice, we made the decision to halt all sales in Russia and Belarus.

Effective March 3rd, 2022, we suspend sales of all games distributed on the GOG platform on the territories of Russia and Belarus. While buying products on GOG is not possible, users from the affected territories can still log in to their accounts and keep access to purchased items.

The entire CD PROJEKT Group stands firm with the people of Ukraine. While we are not a political entity capable of directly influencing state matters, and don’t aspire to be one, we do believe that commercial entities, when united, have the power to inspire global change in the hearts and minds of ordinary people. We know that players in Russia and Belarus, individuals who have nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine, will be impacted by this decision, but with this action we wish to further galvanize the global community to speak about what is going on in the heart of Europe.
low rated
AgentBJ09: Figures after this company licked China's boots and kicked Red Candle Games off the service.
Not that it has relevance to this, but agreed that was a really silly decision back then.
By all stores.
low rated
Just a reminder, that this "decision" isn't a real decision.
As the Swift-ban is still in force and the Ruble unstable as hell, GOG would not even be able to maintain business in Russia, even if they like to.
low rated
OdanUrr: He might, cry out of joy that is.

Wouldn't it be more useful to, say, donate a portion of the sales from those countries (or every country rather) to organisations helping Ukrainian refugees?
Reaper9988: Well they have that sale on the front page there.
It's a start, I'll take it.
low rated
aluinie: As for this move by GoG i have mixed feeling but understand why it must be done.
Shodar: Fully support this decision, thanks for doing the right thing!
Pretty much somewhere in between here. It's not much more than a symbol, but in dark times a symbol is important as well.

While it won't hit the once actually responsible, the poor fucks dying in Ukraine, even those wearing Russian uniforms, have for the most part little to no influence on their misery either.

Also, anyone learning to use proper VPNs has a much better shot of breaking out of their state-enforced media bubble as well.
low rated
Malvictis: GOG, you are hypocrites of the highest caliber.

You did not take a stance against people in the Donbass region being shelled for 8 fucking years, said nothing when they had to flee their homes a week ago, yet somehow refugees from Ukraine are more valuable, more worthy of fundraisers. You sell games, you should've stuck to that, there's nothing brave about joining the Russian-hating mob, quite the opposite; I for one will stop buying games here for as long as you perpetuate your embargo.
Ahh here comes the cool aid.
I hope you understand that buying videogames from developers who promised to donate to charity (This War of Mine, for example) is almost the only (aside from crypto) way for people from Russia to send monetary help to ukrainian lads, without getting in prison (because yes, any direct financical support is now considered a treason and will lead to 20+ years in jail). No idea if its the same in Belarus, or not yet.

"Thanks" for shutting it down, I guess? Surely virtual signaling in form of cancelling all citizens of two whole countries would help much more *sarcasm*.
low rated
You did the right thing.
I'm sorry for people who have nothing to do with this war but the only way to stop putin without military force is to isolate the russian economy
Using the innocent Russian people as pawns for political agendas is equally disgusting as Putin using Ukrainian and Russian people for his own. I will not support this, and frankly I am getting more, more disgusted by Western hypocrisy.

Also, this move is stupid and useless because it won't achieve anything.
low rated
AgentBJ09: Figures after this company licked China's boots and kicked Red Candle Games off the service.
Reaper9988: Not that it has relevance to this, but agreed that was a really silly decision back then.
By all stores.
It has some relevance. We have all been allowing ourselves to slowly go down a slide of crap because it happened in such small increments and fear of economical consequences. Once the shock of this wears off and we can think clearer again we definitely should be going back and think carefully over quite a few other things as well.
low rated
I already regret having filled up my wallet just today and partially used it, so no refund of the remaining balance is possible.
GoG..... just going to say this. I'm American and live in the U.S. Sanctions and virtue signaling from irrelevant companies, yes you in this regard, do nothing but hurt the civilian. Why do the people of Russia, who actually hate this war, have to be punished? Of course, the people there have much more to be concerned about than buying anime trash porn and bland indies such as food and medicine.

But this literally won't stop Putin. He isn't going to say, "Well damn, GoG sanctioned me and I can't buy anime trash porn games. Call off the invasion!"

Seriously, some Russians, I bet just want to play games and sit at home and not be bothered.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by TheCleaner517
low rated
Malvictis: GOG, you are hypocrites of the highest caliber.

You did not take a stance against people in the Donbass region being shelled for 8 fucking years,
The people of the Donbas region were being shelled from the Russian-controlled side, which was about 1/3 of the region. The Russians were always the aggerssors there, they organised a fake revolt and moved in with military units, they even shot down a dutch passenger plane full of civilians, remember that?
low rated
Harsh, but understandable decision.
Must have been not easy to make, considering that it will cost GoG the respective shares in product sales and sales revenues from the RU/BY territories, likely permanently pissing off quite a few people in the process.
That those shares from RU/BY are and have been comparatively small anyway likely helped with the decision as well.
low rated
Reaper9988: Not that it has relevance to this, but agreed that was a really silly decision back then.
By all stores.
BitMaster_1980: It has some relevance. We have all been allowing ourselves to slowly go down a slide of crap because it happened in such small increments and fear of economical consequences. Once the shock of this wears off and we can think clearer again we definitely should be going back and think carefully over quite a few other things as well.
Agreed. Kind of a wake up call I guess.
low rated
Malvictis: GOG, you are hypocrites of the highest caliber.

You did not take a stance against people in the Donbass region being shelled for 8 fucking years, said nothing when they had to flee their homes a week ago, yet somehow refugees from Ukraine are more valuable, more worthy of fundraisers. You sell games, you should've stuck to that, there's nothing brave about joining the Russian-hating mob, quite the opposite; I for one will stop buying games here for as long as you perpetuate your embargo.
Reaper9988: Ahh here comes the cool aid.
Kindly fuck off.