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In light of the Russian military invasion in our neighboring country of Ukraine, until further notice, we made the decision to halt all sales in Russia and Belarus.

Effective March 3rd, 2022, we suspend sales of all games distributed on the GOG platform on the territories of Russia and Belarus. While buying products on GOG is not possible, users from the affected territories can still log in to their accounts and keep access to purchased items.

The entire CD PROJEKT Group stands firm with the people of Ukraine. While we are not a political entity capable of directly influencing state matters, and don’t aspire to be one, we do believe that commercial entities, when united, have the power to inspire global change in the hearts and minds of ordinary people. We know that players in Russia and Belarus, individuals who have nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine, will be impacted by this decision, but with this action we wish to further galvanize the global community to speak about what is going on in the heart of Europe.
low rated
arrua: Two wars in Irak, nobody dared to say a thing or lift a finger against EEUU. Syria, Libia, coup d'etat in Egypt and Ukraine 10 years ago (EEUU was behind that, too), illegal blockade on Cuba (said so by the United Nations) for more than 40 years, the Venezuela shit, the Bolivia shit, the Salvador Allende assassination and Pinochet (never forget), etc...

But, hey, Russia and China are the bad guys. Yeah, sure.
This is untrue. Many people in the US and western countries protested against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many in 'the West' did not want those wars to happen. It could also be argued that anger over the unjustified war in Iraq contributed to the fall of the Blair government in the UK, for example. That is how it works in a democratic system - bad governments are held accountable for their mistakes.

There was no 'coup d'etat' in Ukraine 10 years ago. That was called a democratic election, with the people of Ukraine freely choosing their government. It just so happened that their choice was not a popular one with Russia. That concept of the people actually having a choice might seem rather alien to someone like yourself.

Besides, even if the US isn't perfect and has done some bad things in the past, that somehow justifies Russia launching a totally unprovoked attack on a free, independent country? Get out of here with your twisted bullshit.
low rated
I am sad it has to come to this. I support the people of Ukraine 100% they did not deserve this war and i truelly hope it ends soon. Thye are a proud people and the courage of them is something we should all be proud of.

Putin and his bloodthirsy warmongers are bringing down their own country and i feel sorry that the people who never want this war suffer for their actions and even worse when they protest they are arrested. I hope the people in Russia can bring some sense to their leaders as they will be the ones suffering not the elite at the top.

As for this move by GoG i have mixed feeling but understand why it must be done.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by aluinie
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: So, GOG is punishing customers from two countries, and yet GOG openly admits that those customers did nothing wrong. Yet they are still being punished anyway. That is illogical.

Moreover, GOG claims they want people to speak out, yet they have a long-standing policy against allowing any "political" discussions on GOG...which, by the way, this thread's original post from GOG is in & of itself violation of that very same rule of GOG.
It's utter hypocrisy. Normal people are getting punished for political decisions of their elites. Corporations wants to make a "strong statement" but all they really do is punish the normal people. I don't think GOG's stance will impress anybody in the higher echelon of these states and the normal citizens will not understand this action. It will have literally no influence on the peace movement. Virtue signalling of this kind doesn't help, it just provokes even more. At least they should be consequent and talk about other injustices worldwide too.
low rated
Yes, thank you for this tremendous decision.Because Vladimir Putin and his family were doing the most shopping from gog.To what mind do you serve these ridiculous decisions? What is the fault of the young people who make the Russian people live there? What is the point of punishing young people living in Russia? You can't be afraid of China and publish a game, but Russia is the big enemy, right? I am sure that among those who buy games that are available for sale for the Ukrainian people, there are also decently Russian citizens... Stop this ridiculous racism.Your hypocrisy is spreading the same fear as the bombs of Russia now.
low rated
Is this decision backed by statistics and analytics?
low rated
Figures after this company licked China's boots and kicked Red Candle Games off the service.
low rated

To those who will say "what about ...", I'll point to an open letter from members of the Russian games industry, and in particular the following quote:

No geopolitical reasons justify unleashing a bloody war with a neighboring state, with a fraternal people. And the mistakes and atrocities of other states, if they have taken place, are no reason to take on the role of the villain. We all bear the scars of the terrible wars of the 20th century. We know the price of shed blood, we have paid it more than once. We pay to this day. Unfortunately, we will continue to pay.

In Russian:

[/Никакие геополитические причины не оправдывают развязывание кровопролитной войны с соседним государством, с братским народом. А ошибки и злодеяния других государств, если они и имели место, – не повод брать роль злодея на себя. Все мы несем на себе шрамы ужасных войн XX века. Мы знаем цену пролитой крови, мы платили ее не раз. Расплачиваемся по сей день. К сожалению, будем платить и впредь.

Here is the full letter:*NRLwzdjjKkei9Gzt-SDj8A&
low rated
Gongratulations GoG.
Stupid and illegitimate decision.
Your Russian customers and certainly others will remember it.

You should deal with GoG's problems (many) and leave politics aside.
low rated
Fully support this decision, thanks for doing the right thing!
In light of the GOG decision to halt all sales in Russia and Belarus, punishing civilians for what oligarchs do, effective March 3rd, 2022, I suspend purchases of all games distributed on the GOG platform.

While I am not a political entity capable of directly influencing state matters, and don’t aspire to be one, I do believe that customers, when united, have the power to inspire global change in the hearts and minds of capitalists who use a humanitarian tragedy for marketing purposes.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by UREIWAX
low rated
arrua: Bullshit. Can you change anything in your country with protests? Because in Spain, I can assure you, surely not.
ramsey84c: If enough people turned out YES!
Google US not (EEUU) protests to ANYTHING you mentioned. You will find it helped spark change. You are just rambling angrily for some reason idk russinan troll maybe?
No. You and many people like you are delusioned. Everything is under control. Because the mass media and the "social media" is controled by a few. And the mass and "social" media control people and their opinions.

You might think that (in the case of your country) foxnews and the NYT (for example) are very different. And there are differences. But it is only to give people the ilusion that they have options. That they can choose. But in the end, the two big (and only) political parties in country are controlled by corporations. Corporotations fund political parties and politicians. The very same corporations that control the media.

There is no spark. There is no change. Only the same two political parties governing for decades and decades. Spain is no different in this regard.

There is a famous although not famous enought quote by Major General Smedley Darlington Butler that goes like this:

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

He wrote a book:
low rated
kbnrylaec: GOG licked CCP's ass and punish innocent Russian customers.
You should be glad for any support Ukraine is getting, because if Russia gets away with it then China will do the same to you.
low rated
Torn here, not for punishing the John Dos but the gesture is not bad, kudos for that.
To be fair though a VPN seems to be a must in Sowjet Russia these days anyways.
low rated
Reaper9988: Torn here, not for punishing the John Dos but the gesture is not bad, kudos for that.
To be fair though a VPN seems to be a must in Sowjet Russia these days anyways.
same in germany