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In light of the Russian military invasion in our neighboring country of Ukraine, until further notice, we made the decision to halt all sales in Russia and Belarus.

Effective March 3rd, 2022, we suspend sales of all games distributed on the GOG platform on the territories of Russia and Belarus. While buying products on GOG is not possible, users from the affected territories can still log in to their accounts and keep access to purchased items.

The entire CD PROJEKT Group stands firm with the people of Ukraine. While we are not a political entity capable of directly influencing state matters, and don’t aspire to be one, we do believe that commercial entities, when united, have the power to inspire global change in the hearts and minds of ordinary people. We know that players in Russia and Belarus, individuals who have nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine, will be impacted by this decision, but with this action we wish to further galvanize the global community to speak about what is going on in the heart of Europe.
low rated
patrikc: Terrible move, GOG. You are punishing the many for the decisions of a few.
Will you also "halt" sales for Israeli or Turkish customers, or for those in NATO countries?
I think GOG forgot VPNs are a thing
low rated
Thanks for standing up for what's right guys! GOG is awesome as always!
low rated
Good lapdogs, let's make all Belarussians and Russians people suffer because thier governements sucks. I'll be boycotting GOG until this unfair ban stops.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by Narakir
low rated
GOG licked CCP's ass and punish innocent Russian customers.
low rated
arrua: What a stupid decission. As if citizens of Russia and Belarus had any kind of responsability over what´s happening in Ukraine.

And when United States invades and destroys other countries (which are not few) nothing happens. Nobody says a thing. United States are the good guys. Yeah right... ¬¬

ramsey84c: These companys are trying to get the people to protest and raise thier voices.
The US has no problem protesting and rioting over thier leaders actions.
Two wars in Irak, nobody dared to say a thing or lift a finger against EEUU. Syria, Libia, coup d'etat in Egypt and Ukraine 10 years ago (EEUU was behind that, too), illegal blockade on Cuba (said so by the United Nations) for more than 40 years, the Venezuela shit, the Bolivia shit, the Salvador Allende assassination and Pinochet (never forget), etc...

But, hey, Russia and China are the bad guys. Yeah, sure.
low rated
The_SoV: Thank you, for your support, GOG! You're awesome!
From Ukraine with love! ❤️
Let the war end!
Stay safe! :)
low rated
stupid decision but I can understand it die putin.
I don't like banning based on peoples countries. What did these people personally do? It also sets a dangerous precedent. Not everyone in Ukraine likes/d the goverment either.

But hey I guess social points are more important then the feelings of those in two major countries.

Notice GOG didn't have a problem banning things for China. Sanctimonious is a word that comes to mind.
high rated
Belarusians have been arrested, fined, fired from jobs, thrown into prisons, killed since 2020 protests and now Belarus is totally police-state thing where you cannot protest in any form. Even in these conditions there were several anti-war actions in Belarus and Russia where people were beaten and arrested.
And now you say that "solidarity" is to make the life of all oppressed societies even worse.
Thanks, GOG, much appreciated.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by Galwayer
arrua: What a stupid decission. As if citizens of Russia and Belarus had any kind of responsability over what´s happening in Ukraine.
kparal: Only those citizens can actually influence if those criminal governments stay or fall. It's sad, it's difficult, but it's also true. Speaking as someone who was born into a totalitarian country, similar to Russia or Belarus today.

Thanks GOG for having the courage to do this. Only an extreme united pressure can wake up those citizens and realize they're being lied to, and they need to rise up, otherwise those horrible activities will continue and that criminal government will completely destroy not just other countries, but their one as well.
Bullshit. Can you change anything in your country with protests? Because in Spain, I can assure you, surely not.
Citizens shouldn't be held responsible or punished for the decisions of their "leaders" (specially the ones they didn't vote for)

I disagree with this measure and won't buy anything from GOG until it's removed.

Anyway, I hope this war ends soon. My heart is with the Ukrainian civilians.
low rated
kparal: Only those citizens can actually influence if those criminal governments stay or fall. It's sad, it's difficult, but it's also true. Speaking as someone who was born into a totalitarian country, similar to Russia or Belarus today.

Thanks GOG for having the courage to do this. Only an extreme united pressure can wake up those citizens and realize they're being lied to, and they need to rise up, otherwise those horrible activities will continue and that criminal government will completely destroy not just other countries, but their one as well.
arrua: Bullshit. Can you change anything in your country with protests? Because in Spain, I can assure you, surely not.
If enough people turned out YES!
Google US not (EEUU) protests to ANYTHING you mentioned. You will find it helped spark change. You are just rambling angrily for some reason idk russinan troll maybe?

All you are doing is hurting Belarussian and Russian CIVILIANS, not the politicians who started the fucking war.

Do you expect the Ukranian civilians to be playing your video games WHILE BOMBS ARE LANDING ON THEIR HOUSES?




When the war is over, and the truth comes out that the Ukranian army were SHELLING THEIR OWN CIVILIANS, people will remember who's side GOG was on... Just like the WMDs in Iraq.
Post edited March 03, 2022 by Wolf904
low rated
Lone_Scout: Citizens shouldn't be held responsible or punished for the decisions of their "leaders" (specially the ones they didn't vote for)

I disagree with this measure and won't buy anything from GOG until it's removed.

Anyway, I hope this war ends soon. My heart is with the Ukrainian civilians.
Yeah even if you didn't vote for him. You could have helped campain harder against him.
If enough people come out, things will change.
They can't aresst everyone. I don't know why that is so hard to understand.
low rated
Ukraine had a USA-backed coup in 2014, which included many deaths and the same snipers shooting "both sides" of the protestors. Ukraine has incorporated multiple Nazi militias into their official armed forces. There is veneration of Stepan Bandera. Since 2014, people in the Donbas region of Ukraine have been killed by such forces, including via shelling. I've really only heard the 14000 or 15000 killed figure and do not know this aspect as much, but have seen 10000 before. The current government of Ukraine seems to want to turn their civilians into casualties by instructing them on Molotov cocktail creation and deployment, releasing prisoners who claim they will fight for the country, and having open crates of rifles on the street that anyone can have without presenting or making any documentation. NATO is also a culprit in the current situation. Ukrainian government officials have also made multiple starts and stops of talks with Russian officials, most recently with a completely unserious offer.