Breja: Surprise! Enjoy this
free whale meme, you code dropping douchebag.
Oy. Take it easy. He's obviously new and knows nothing about the whole code-dropping thing.
micktiegs_8: Expect more during this period, since GOG does nothing about it.
I'm not sure what you expect them to do. Reprimand people for...trying to give free games...?
hairydangler: Did I break a forum rule? Kindly let me know if I did.
What DampSquib and micktiegs_8 said. It's considered a bad move to do so since it gets snagged by bots. Best way to do it is a method known as MAHAYO (Make A Human Answer YOu) whereby you get someone to respond and can give them the key via PM after you check and see whether they're a decent person or a scammer. We have a bit of an issue in this place whereby we get a few people with many alt accounts who show up just for the sake of racking up free keys by using these accounts to feed 'em all to the same person. If you search for someone's username and find 99% giveaway activity, that's usually a bad sign.
I understand that you were just trying to be a cool guy and may or may not want to go through all that trouble. I also run a
giveaway on here, keys can be given to me via PM and I'll do all that work for you if you don't feel like it.