Gylfe: Maybe Im missing something, but I just dont get the pages and pages of 5 star reviews for this game. From what I can find people actually discussing the gameplay, it doesnt seem to be much actual gameplay. Theres not another game like it with nearly 20 pages of 5 star reviews, but none of them actually describe the game. The few that do are 4 star at best, but mostly 3 or less. The rest just have irrelevant statements, talk about the devs, or talk about other games that seem to be in a completely different category all together. Many of the reviews contradict themselves. I check reviews to get an idea of what a game is like, see the ups and downs, possibly see the length of the game and replayability. Unfortunately you have to sift through just about all 20 pages to find any of that, and it was only three or four reviews total that did.
Crom what I can tell its just a point and click ad enture that lasts about 15 hours or less with limited replayability.
It's a cRPG without Combat, simple as that. Al the "die rolls" (on 4 * 6/7 different stats/abilities) are done during conversation choices.
They really need to provide translation in other languages though, it is quite dependent on it to fully enjoy.
I consider my english relatively good but the English is this game is quite peculiar, I don't "get" everything.
But from what I've played of it, I really enjoyed it, and I usually don't enjoy cRPGs.
And from what I gathered it is highly replayable, just change radically the stats of your character at creation.
My first version had 1 in both physical stats and he died of a heart attack trying to fetch his tie from the fan in the starting room.