Lucumo: I guess it must be your subjective view then as modern games are objectively bad :P
Anyway, don't really care for the games left here. Still want to buy Arx Fatalis, Jazz Jackrabbit Collection and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection. Would also buy Warhammer®: Shadow of the Horned Rat, Final Liberation: Warhammer® Epic 40,000, Warhammer® 40,000: Chaos Gate and Black Moon Chronicles if GOG ever bothered to fix those, despite publishing 3/4.
Have already spent a couple k this year on physical (DRM-free) PC games and will likely continue to do so which leaves less for digital games anyway.
GameRager: Nah, people just have on rose colored glasses w/regards to the past in many cases.
Some of your tastes are nice though....+1
Hehe, it wasn't meant (completely) seriously, hence the smiley. I generally prefer older games over newer games though. Of course, at any time, there were tons of bad games around, however, older games often had a more unique approach to it and at times, they also shot for the stars (Shenmue series for instance). These days, bad habits like DLC, monetization practices etc drag gaming down and at the same time, the homogenization made gaming a lot less interesting. At first glance, it may not look like that, however, when you consider that PC gaming used to be completely separate from console gaming and PC gaming itself was divided into IBM compatibles, C64, ZX Spectrum etc and even Japanese PCs, it makes sense. Add to that lots of different engines and ideas and you had an interesting mix.
I've been playing games for like 24 years now (although in extremely limited capacity in the first 5-6) and for new games, it's always "been there, done that". Funnily enough, the chance is higher to find something new when I actually go back and look at the games of old. The charm of them helps too, so that the technical limitations of the time don't matter that much. Currently, I'm playing Warcraft II (beat the first game earlier this week) while dabbling with PC 88 games which is pretty fun.