TomNuke: Why would I downvote your post?
MarkoH01: Oh, I am sorry. I worded this badly ... I did not mean "you" specifically ... I meant those who likes to downvote.
TomNuke: And truth be told I couldn't care less about vitual forum "rep", and I have no idea why you do either. Like what's the point? Are you looking for clout on a forum or something? It's nothing meaningful in anyone's life. You say you're spending most of your free time on this forum, so maybe that's why you're placing a value or importance on something that has none.
It's nice that you're here to help people or answer questions, and if that's what you're doing than you should feel good just from that alone. You shouldn't need forum "rep" or clout to reinforce the positive things you do.
MarkoH01: I don't need forum rep to feel good about doing good things but getting punished in a kind by losing rep is something completely different and while I completely am aware that the reputation does not mean anything since I cannot do anything with it, it does not change the fact that it gives you a nice feeling when you see it rising and it's really strange to see it rise, ... then going down 10 (just like now) and you start from the beginning. Maybe you cannot understand it and I know it is not perfectly logical but it is the way it is.
Simply put:
The current GOG system, designed in GOG's ultimate "wisdom" provides false sense of accomplishment and punishment.
By default you start with zero rep (unless something's changed).
It's notable that the system is designed that it is much easier to actually loose rep than gain it.
Also the way system is designed provides natural "balance improportion" fluke in the form of:
- massive upvotes going to people who A.Praise the platform/publisher/developer (for example for free things) B.Use overly "forced too cheerful" wording C.Use multiaccounts to "forge their rep" *
- massive downvotes to anyone saying something that goes against a flow, perhaps something controversial even if totally correct
* Well designed system would account for at least same IP address
If the rep could only go up, and there would only be "plus" button, while having limitation on burst upvotes (to remove possibility of "I will upvote every post on this page"), people would not get an encouragement to force their frustration out through button bashing, there would be less user hatred and toxicity, and people would have more equalized chances.
The forum would therefore loose a chunk out of a reputation that could be described as some dead legion where moderators either don't show up almost ever or they provide heavyhanded approach.
There's also no rep moderation of any kind.
While "low rated" sometimes mysteriously vanishes the rep points once gone are vanished forever.
The current system highlights whatever is considered trendy or popular beliefs and moves, while it punishes people who don't go with the flaw, regardless if they are right or wrong.
It's a system very badly designed, providing constant opportunities for phenomenons such as "negative rep forum bias", "social isolation based on rep", "rep appreciation circles", "accelerated rep gain threads", "user chierarchy based on rep", among others.
It is a common occurence that once someone reaches certain level of negative rep it's basically a one way ticket for them, eternally bashed by majority, if not directly then still in thoughts, with close to zero chance of redemption.
It's a race to the bottom post certain mark.
GOG's system promotes inequality, or more precisely, unequal CHANCES, especially with it's heavily evident ability to loose rep much easier than gain it while it DOESN'T actually prove anybodys reputation as a forum member nor RL person.
The way it is designed and operates does not even allow to see platform invovlment at all - after all a user heavily active while with "barely positive rep gain ratio" (for example due to saying many controversial things) will loose possibly hundreds of rep points over time while slowly getting up (perhaps "reaching near bottom" in fluctuation) and to anyone not knowing better present on this forum it will look exactly like somone who was barely active and got only + rep points in same amount of time.
Links/attachments posting should be tied to account age / number of posts made.
Who T F in their right mind would tie it to a badly designed rep system that encourages public lynches and superstition.