mystikmind2000: Calling Eskimos Inuit is like calling Indians Apaches. What about the other tribes? don't they count? if your specifically talking about the Inuit, then you can refer to them as Inuit, if your talking about Eskimos in general, then use the word Eskimo. If i am right or wrong - Yupik?? lol
MajicMan: No, it is not.
Indians are from India. And this is very literal as the terms Irish-American, Italian-American refer to those of those national backgrounds. Only Indian-Americans (those with a background from India) are Indians.
The way you use the term "Indian" describes our Native Americans as they are now called, though they are neither native to North America, nor the first group of people to make it to North America.
Calling a Native American "Indian" is now considered racist and is no longer an acceptable term.
The AP (Associated Press) Style Guide also will inform you to never use the term Eskimo as they are Inuit.
You just have no idea how incumbent it is of all people to be super-duper, extra-deluxe, cherry-on-top, mega-savage woke in order to be PC and not offend snowflakes.
Modern society have completely lost touch with the meaning of the word racist.... if they expand the meaning much further we will all be walking around like the tree from heros of the galaxy, but instead of saying "i am groot" we all say "i am racist" no matter what the situation.... want to buy an ice cream? "i am racist"
Will that satisfy the PC crowd? I doubt it.
The Germans are not offended being called German, and the Jewish are not offended being called Jewish, despite all the bad history. So i don't know what the other nonsense is about?
Oh yea, i forgot to mention, Eskimos are now Inuit.... if your Yupik or any other Eskimo tribe, tough luck you don't exist, sorry.