Posted March 25, 2020
So I had a dual boot system for most of the year, Windows 10 pro 64bit, and Linux mint cinnamon 19.2. Windows 10 would occasionally bsod with the watchdog error if left to sit for a while, half an hour or more, but Linux was stable, so I figured it was some odd windows driver problem instead of a hardware fault. A few days ago windows 10 crashed oddly, and when I tried to boot it up 2/3 times it is a windows logo screen, but instead of the log in proceeding I get a blank screen that won't change in half an hour. The other third I get the critical process died bsod, and the weird nonbooting means I can't reboot in safemode, although the built in tests seem to indicate that there are no problems with the install. Linux was running fine so I was doing everything through that. The Linux partition actually has a virtualbox clone of the initial install of the windows 10, although I'm not sure If there was an actual back up, I was running out of space on both drives and didn't intend for windows to be the primary. A few days after Win10 dies Linux suddenly fails to boot displaying a blinking black screen, but pressing the power button does make it show the Linux thinking box and shut down. I tried one of the Linux repair modes unsuccessfully, and when shutting down with power button it showed the scripts along with the loading box, and seemed to be shutting down properly at least.
It seems odd that both installs would randomly fail within days of each other, and there are two hdds in the system. Are there any ideas what would cause this?
It seems odd that both installs would randomly fail within days of each other, and there are two hdds in the system. Are there any ideas what would cause this?